029. Tired of promising that you'll level up on Monday, but give up by Wednesday? I was too. That's why I created the FREE 5-Day ^CAMP CONSISTENT^ Challenge!


JUST GIVE ME 5 SHORT DAYS, and I’ll Show You The Exact “Step By Step” Method For Generating CONSISTENCY With Your Eating, Exercise, and Equanimity, So You Can Achieve *Lasting* Joy & Vitality!

Join the FREE 5-Day ^Camp Consistent^ Challenge HERE.

5 days. 5 workshops. 5 ways to revive your health.

And it's all going down Monday, January 18!

For those of you who know what to do, but you're just not sticking to it ... Camp Consistent was designed specifically for you.

Here's what you get:

💥 Daily Camp Consistent Assignment (takes 15-20 mins on your own time)

💥 Daily Consistency Coaching (20-30 mins live at 11AM ET or watch on your own time)

💥 Five Breakthrough Visualizations (to help you slow down and listen to what your true aligned actions are)

💥 Consistency Code Blueprint to complete each day (so by day 5 you're fully ready to go from excuses to action)

>>> Done starting & stopping endless diet // fitness // meditation programs? 

>>>Ready to Crack Your Consistency Code and finally stick to a personality-based plan that works LONG (freaking) TERM!

Then tap your cute lil pointer on the link below and join ya girls on 1/18!!!