027.  This new year will NOT be my "Year of Yes." Nope. 2021 will be my year of LESS. I will say yes to LESS.

One thing 2020 taught me? That I have Chronic Over Committers Syndrome. The repercussion? Giving half of my ass to 128 daily commitments rather than my full ass to say… 4 things. >>Like 4 things a YEAR<< And the repercussion of aaall those half assed hurried commits? Feeling like a total loser for not showing up in Total Badass Hardy (call her TBH) fashion.

What will I do differently in 2021? Reflect, reduce, and redirect my focus to where I can give my gifts the most. Tune in to hear where I'll be putting my focus so I can use my gifts, and give others the opportunity to step in and shine their light where I'm stepping out.

PS: Wanna talk through YOUR unique triggers that are fizzling YOUR motivation to show up for YOUR personal wellness routine? Book a 2021 Conquer Consistency Call with me at https://wholehardy.com/consistent

Show notes for this episode:

Katie Hardy
Founder & CEO
WholeHardy Health, LLC
Certified in Integrative Wellness by Duke Health
[email protected]
Inside Out Wellness Podcast