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 In this podcast episode, host Bettina M Brown interviews Dr. Melissa Reilly, a clinical psychologist and parent coach who specializes in working with moms who do not have their own mothers available to them. Dr. Reilly emphasizes the importance of turning away from guilt and instead focusing on growth and support. The conversation delves into the concept of mom guilt, acknowledging that it is a real thing but not an indicator of right or wrong.

Dr. Reilly also shares her own personal experience of feeling grief after giving birth to her son, highlighting the emotional journey that many mom-less moms go through. As an older mother, she unexpectedly faced a longing for her own mother and experienced grief during her pregnancy and after giving birth.

Overall, this episode explores the challenges faced by moms without their own mothers and how Dr. Reilly helps them move from insecurity, isolation, and overwhelm towards joy and peace. It offers valuable insights and support for anyone navigating the complex emotions and experiences of being a mom without their own mother.

Having a community of people becomes very important. Learn more about how to connect with Melissa and other moms without moms...

Melissa's Website:
Schedule a complimentary call with Melissa 

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