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In a recent episode of the "In the Rising" podcast, host Bettina M. Brown interviewed Riana Milne, a certified global life and love trauma recovery coach. The conversation revolved around the impact of childhood trauma on our adult relationships and the strategies to heal and build healthier relationship skills.

Riana shared her insights and expertise as a psychotherapist and discussed the connection between childhood and love trauma. Riana also discussed how her own adverse childhood experiences transformed her adult life. Since the effects of childhood trauma can affect the daily lives of individuals and create emotional pain in adult relationships, she decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical and Counseling Psychology.

She then went on to become a relationship coach, looking to be a mental health professional who looks to address the significant impact of these traumatic events to build a healing journey and improve romantic relationships.

Understanding Love Trauma:

Love trauma, as Riana explained, stems from unresolved types of childhood trauma. Upon delving into her own personal experiences and conducting research, Riana discovered that the top 10 childhood traumas are prevalent in 90% of individuals. However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now believed that 100% of us have experienced unresolved childhood trauma.

The Brain's Desire for Homeostasis:

Riana touched upon the brain's affinity for familiarity, even if it means staying in a negative or harmful environment. This desire for homeostasis often leads individuals to seek partners replicating their primary caregivers' qualities. It is what we commonly refer to as 'chemistry.' Riana emphasized the importance of conscious dating, where individuals actively assess their compatibility and make informed decisions rather than relying solely on unconscious attractions.

Healing Childhood Trauma:

As a certified trauma recovery coach, Riana's primary focus is to help individuals heal their childhood traumas. By addressing these traumas, individuals can work towards building healthier relationship skills. Riana stressed the significance of introspection and self-awareness in this process. Recognizing and understanding the impact of childhood trauma is the first step toward healing.

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