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Title: Anthony Poponi Focuses on the 40% of Happiness You Control Now

In this episode of the In the Rising podcast, host Bettina M Brown interviews Anthony Poponi, a corporate trainer, motivational speaker, and coach who focuses on happiness and positive psychology. The conversation delves into how Anthony got to this point in his career and his passion for helping others through science and service.

Anthony shares his belief that happiness is not something that should be pursued solely in the future, but rather something that can be cultivated and enjoyed in the present moment. He emphasizes the importance of combating the tendency for the brain to habituate to goals, leading to a lack of fulfillment even when those goals are achieved.

Throughout the episode, Anthony highlights the practice of gratitude as a powerful tool for cultivating happiness. He explains that by actively practicing gratitude, individuals can shift their focus to appreciate the present moment and find joy in everyday experiences.

Additionally, Anthony discusses his own journey towards finding a career that combines his passion for science and his desire to be of service to the world. He shares how he evaluated his gifts and interests and ultimately found a way to bring more joy into his work.

This episode serves as an insightful exploration of happiness, positive psychology, and the potential for finding fulfillment in the here and now. Listeners are encouraged to consider how they can embrace gratitude and focus on the 40% of happiness within their control.

Topics covered:
- The brain's tendency to habituate to goals
- The practice of gratitude as a means to cultivate happiness
- Anthony's background and career journey
- Finding joy in work through aligning with personal gifts and interests
- Embracing the 40% of happiness within one's control

Learn More about Anthony here.

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