Previous Episode: Controlling Blood Sugar - Diet
Next Episode: Berberine

This is the first of two (at this time) 'correction' episodes.


This episode focuses primarily on an error that I originally made in the first episode of the Beta-Alanine miniseries.


In that episode, I stated that the cause of muscle fatigue (drop in the pH of the muscle) is the rise of lactate. This is incorrect.


The second error is when I stated in the episode titled "My Thoughts On The Supplement Business" that Beta-Alanine is what helps to reduce muscle fatigue directly. This is only part of the picture.


So I thought why not make an episode going over the literature I read to correct my mistakes.




I mispronounced the term oxidative phosphorylation several times during this episode. I pronounced it oxidative phosphorlyzation. Just keep that in mind while listening.


Second, is the reaction that creates lactate. It's lactate or lactic acid fermentation. However, the enzyme that is a catalyst in this reaction is lactate dehydrogenase. I've seen lactate/lactic acid fermentation also called the lactate dehydrogenase reaction.


Third, I couldn't remember what the term NAD is. It's nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.


There's a couple of parts in the recording where I edited out some mishaps. First, my phone that was recording the video fell off the shelf. So I had edit out me putting it back on the shelf. Second, my wife came into the closet at the end of the episode during the outro. Just FYI.




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