Discussing some diet techniques that I've found through trial and error help control my blood sugar levels.


The follow up episode will go over some lifestyle techniques.


Disclaimer: This episode covers my personal experience. I have no scientific data to backup my results. Please don't take the content of this episode as a substitute for a visit to your doctor. I can't stress this enough. What works for one person may be extremely dangerous for someone else. Especially, someone that's prediabetic or has diabetes.


Notes: I had a brain fart and forgot how blood sugar levels are usually conveyed. It's listed as milligrams per deciliter. mg/dl.


Also, coumarin is the substance that's discussed in the part about cinnamon.


Finally, at roughly 33 min 03 to 33 min 04 sec I state that too much blood sugar could be bad for bone density. I meant to say too much apple cider vinegar.


The trailer for the movie my friend wrote, directed and acts in 'Distance To Empty' is on Kickstarter. The campaign is over, but we're looking at other means to raise money to produce the feature length film.


Please check out the trailer.

