Previous Episode: Research For The Show

In this episode, I discuss my thoughts on the supplement industry. Well some of them.


This is the first episode that I recorded in its entirety on video. I'll release the video version of the podcast on social media (in parts) over the next week or so.


My plan is to return to this topic in a year. This is to see if my thoughts, assumptions, etc have changed.


I mention the mastermind group I'm a part of during this episode. The creator of the mastermind is Mr. Marc Jeffrey. The other members of the group are Harmony Garcia, Rodney Sadler, Lea Meakin and Micheal Bailey-Brown.


Please check out their work on Instagram...


Marc Jeffrey @marcjeffreypodcast


Harmony Garcia @theblissbroker


Rodney Sadler


Lea Meakin @conversationjunkie


Micheal Bailey-Brown @tangledmindpodcast




At 29 minutes, I state that beta-alanine acts as a buffer to lactic acid. This is incorrect. Beta-Alanine is one component that
is used to create carnosine. Carnosine can help to buffer lactic acid.


Between 45 min 35 sec and 45 min 50 sec, I replaced the audit with noise. I did this because what I said during this time was
incorrect. Instead of leaving the audio in the episode, I'd rather do a follow up video to be released on social media that explains
what I said and why it was wrong.


Disclaimer: Please don't take the information provided in this podcast (opinion and/or from research) as a substitute for visiting a doctor. Please discuss any health related issues with a medical professional.


The trailer for the movie my friend wrote, directed and acts in 'Distance To Empty' is on Kickstarter. The campaign is over, but we're looking at other means to raise money to produce the feature length film.


Please check out the trailer.