In this episode I catch up with Michelle from Brisbane who is a graduate from our October 21 3 months sober challenge and a participant in the HIQA Graduates group. Now 6 months down the track Shell is going strong and not planning on going back to drinking any time soon.   We talk about her journey with alcohol and how the journey has been for her so far.  

For more resources or to find out to register for the HIQA 6 week  sober challenge  starting o May 1 goto.

Reach out via insta @howiquitalohol
or [email protected]

This podcast was proudly brought to you by Monday Distillery,  purveyors of beautiful,  sugar free,  non-alcoholic beverages.   To find out more about them or to order some of their beautiful offerings head to or

Music for Monday Distillery ads by Ash Grunwald

Music for Podcast intro and outro written by Danni Carr performed by Mr Cassidy

for more resources go to

If you are struggling with physical dependancy on alcohol consider contacting a local AA meeting or a drug and alcohol therapist.   Always consult a GP before stopping alcohol.