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Hey Friend,

Have you taken a moment recently to truly celebrate your successes? This weekend, I found myself immersed in an incredible gathering of over a thousand passionate speakers at the Next Level Speakers Conference, and it sparked a profound moment of recognition and gratitude for me.

In this episode, titled “Stop and Honor the Moment,” I share the transformative power of connecting with like-minded individuals who inspire and push us toward our dreams. The sense of community and the lessons learned from fellow thought leaders have left a lasting impression on me, reminding us of the impact our words can have when wielded wisely and with intention.

Success really does thrive in the soil of gratitude. Today, I want to take a moment to celebrate some incredible milestones. Join me as I reflect on a special moment at this event where I was humbled to receive the Sapphire Award from the Next Level Speakers Academy. This award, signifying over $250,000 in business last year, represents more than financial success—it symbolizes the trust and opportunities you've given me to share my journey and expertise with your schools, teams, and organizations. This recognition extends beyond the numbers; it's about the trust and honor you've given me, allowing me to connect with your hearts and minds.

Reflecting on my own journey—from delivering my first message in a church at age 12 to standing on global stages this weekend—I’m reminded of the importance of honoring our achievements. It’s not about boasting; it’s about recognizing the light within us that inspires and impacts others. This episode calls on you to shed any self-doubt, embrace your talents, and find a balance between humility and gratitude.

As we continue to focus on preventing burnout, not just for individuals but for teams, my passion for creating work environments where everyone feels valued and thrives remains stronger than ever. Let’s step into our brilliance and appreciate the meaningful impacts we make.

Looking forward to sharing this journey of celebration and gratitude with you.

Love Always,


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