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Hey Friend,

Have you ever paused to think about how patience intertwines with our pursuit of purpose? This week, I'm excited to share a personal story that beautifully illustrates this connection—the inspiring journey of my brother, from a toddler imitating drummers on a church pew to becoming a skilled musician and producer.

In this episode titled "Pursue Purpose Patiently," we explore the essential role of gradual growth and persistent practice. It's about appreciating each step, no matter how small, on the path to achieving our dreams. This isn’t just a story about musical success; it's a broader lesson on the power of embracing each phase of our personal and professional growth.

Join me as I reflect on my own evolution from teaching Sunday school to family members to hosting a radio show. These moments, though seemingly minor, are the building blocks of our purpose. We’ll discuss how honoring your own pace, avoiding comparisons, and valuing each season of life can reveal unexpected opportunities and hidden treasures.

Let's embrace our uniqueness and allow our purpose to unfold naturally, always remembering that you are powerful, significant, and loved. Your journey is uniquely yours—let’s celebrate it together!

Love Always,


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