Bree Crawford seeks to inspire others and make a difference through sharing sustainability tips and kindness.

Let’s listen to learn how she transition to a Vegan lifestyle.

Golden Nuggets From This Episode:

✨ “You have to learn how to be more creative, do more research for yourself, ask for help from other people that eat that way or eat healthy at least.”

✨ “There are few reasons why people go Vegan. Is it for your health? Is it for the environment? Or is it for the animals? Or it could be a combination of all of them or two of them.”

✨ “In India, they would never ever consider eating cows over there because it's sacred and that's part of their culture..”

✨ “The way we label things in society really impacts how we view our relationship with different things.”

✨ “Everyone has different metabolisms and body types and different foods that are good for their digestive system.”

✨ “It's a great thing to switch over to a new diet because you have to educate yourself and you start to learn a lot more about food and what is actually nourishing your body.”

✨ “Canola oil is really unhealthy for you because it is super inflammatory.”

✨ “You're not gonna be perfect, there's no such thing as that and so just do your best to make more conscious choices.”

✨ “We have seasons for a reason and food that is something that's pretty seasonal depending on where you are located in the world. ”

✨ “Eating seasonal foods is important too if you wanna be conscious of your impact on the environment.”

✨ “Is quality of life important to you? Because if so, then it requires spending a little bit more money and in health and in food and things that are gonna keep you nourish and provide you a better quality of life.”

✨ “Invest in your health now.”

✨ “Switching to a plant-based diet from my own experience and speaking with others, you notice the result very quickly, especially within a few weeks I would say.”

✨ “It's good to have different passions and different interests, I don't think it's a bad thing.”

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Timestamps from the episode:

00:54   Getting to know Bree Crawford

01:24   What she does for a living and what she’s passionate about

02:49   What was the last random act of kindness someone did for her

04:46   How Bree became Vegan and her journey to there

10:59   Few reasons why people go Vegan

13:54   Filtering Vegan food and processed alternative

16:58   Talks about issue with the iron levels for Vegans

20:54   Talks about Canola oil

28:02   How Veganism has made her feel in her body and her energy levels


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