Hello again 💜

Life is messy! I think we can all agree on this. If you're like me, growing, expanding and learning is the way to live life to the fullest but with that comes uncomfortable feelings and resistance, both internally and from the outside.

In this episode I talk about what's happening in my external world as I grow and expand my awareness, especially the dynamics within my marriage. This has been building up over the last few months and came to a head over the last few days which, although extremely uncomfortable and vulerable, was a positive step towards a stronger relationship.

So why am I sharing this personal story about my marriage?

Because if you are listening to Heart2Heart, then you too might be experiencing discomfort and resistance from those who are dear to you. Like me, you might be on the windy road of awareness solo in your life and dealing with fear and worry from your loved ones.

So I decided to share my story and the resources I am leaning on to navigate my way through in order to help you do the same.

What to do?
- recognise and name your emotions
- move your body
- journal your emotions
- do something you enjoy

These are some of the tips I describe that are helping me coach myself through this messy bit of my life.

See you next week.

Elle 💜

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