Hello there lovely 💜

I've been asked to record a 'how to' about this method of manifestation because it's bringing amazing results to my health  and life and I can't stop talking about it!

I heard about Pray Rain Journalling when a friend mentioned a book by Jeanette Maw called The Magic of Pray Rain Journalling. I had set a goal to speak my vision daily to manifest the life that I truly want and this method does exactly that.

Here is what you do -

- Choose something that you want to manifest.
- Choose a book/journal that is comparable with the amount of time you want or need to bring your goal about.
- If you have more than one goal, then have a separate journal for each.
- Write in it each day at around the same time. If using more than one journal, then write in it at separate times.
- Write in present tense as if the goal has already happened.
- Treat each entry as a love note to yourself as if the goal is a reality.
- Write the way it makes you FEEL. Becoming emotionally involved is the key to achieving.

What you're doing in rewriting what's in your sub-conscious mind to change your behaviours and therefore life results.

So get manifesting!

Love Elle 💜

If you'd like to read Jeanette Maw's book, here is a link.

For more great free info, please follow me.
