Hello there lovely 💜

In this episode I share four different behaviour examples and the thoughts that I believe cause them, you could call it your Mindset Flow.

The real life behavioural examples are -
People Pleasing
Seeking External Validation
Social Anxiety

Quite the mix don't you think?

The common denominator to all of these and every other behaviour is your THOUGHTS.

The Mindset Flow - Thoughts - Feelings - Actions.

I have experienced these behaviours to different degrees during my life and I wanted to share my thoughts on why we continue to do something that is not in alignment with our desires. It can be very frustrating.

If you can relate to any of these behaviours, then please listen and take some notes. Also please feel free to share this episode with someone who also may resonate.

I'm having next week off with my family but will be suggesting a past episode to keep you learning. I'll be back in 2 weeks with more great information to help you expand your knowledge and awareness.

If you'd like extra information about how your mind works, then I have a free masterclass about Your Mindful Muse, a tool to help you manage your mind.

Here is the link

Take care of you.

Elle 💜

For more great free info, please follow me.
