Hello there 💜

In this episode I talk about how your mind works, how your behaviour and actions are driven by your beliefs and conditioning which brings about the results in your life.

And it all starts with your thoughts.

Thoughts - Feelings - Actions - Your Life 💫

If you don't pay attention to your thoughts, be conscious of them, then you are unwittingly allowing ALL thoughts through to your sub-conscious mind which will welcome them with open arms whether they they serve you or not. Your beliefs are formed by your thoughts whether they are true or not because the sub-conscious mind has no ability to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction. So your beliefs may have no basis in truth.

Think about that.

I also share some tips to help you be the boss of your thoughts so that you can start re-writing your beliefs and conditioning in order to manifest the life that your truly want.

I hope you learn some mind management tricks.

Until next week,

Love from me.


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