Well hello again 🥰

In this episode I share how I coached myself back from an emotional dropout, an emotional shitstorm. 

In the last episode I shared how I was feeling in the lead up to my niece's wedding, how all the 'what if' thoughts swirled around in my mind, how I missed Chloe so keenly and how we'd never have our mother daughter rite of passage that is your daughter's wedding.

It was intense, I was often in tears and I felt like crap all week.

But I was intent on not making it about me. AND I DID THAT!

I turned to my resources, my mentors and coaches, my experience and my knowledge to coach my way through the week so I could witness a beautiful ceremony between two soulmates.

I surrendered to my feelings, honoured and valued them and allowed them to just be. I let them flow through me, let the tears come, let the grief come and I allowed myself to feel all the feels. And I got through, again.

I share this to help you, to let you know that life will throw crap at you, but that it's not the crap but your response to it that matters. You have what it takes to bring yourself back from an emotional dropout, you have free resources like podcasts, library books and audio books and plenty of content over Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to help you level up and feel better about yourself. And then you can pay for support, a coach, therapist, counsellor or psychologist, you have so many options to choose from. The first step is the most important and that's you saying YES!

So if you're in the middle of an emotional dropout, then say yes to a level up, so yes to YOU so that you can start feeling better about yourself.

Sending you all my love.

Elle 💜