Hello there my love…

I’ve got a question for you.

Have you ever felt sad, fearful, angry, heartbroken or similar and you felt like you couldn’t share your state because others’ trauma is ‘comparatively’, well more traumatic?

I hear you.

To be honest, I’ve been on both sides of this situation.

I have repressed emotions when I’ve been with people who have suffered great losses.

And others have apologised for sharing emotions with me once they realise that I’ve lost my Chloe.

It's kinda f*cked up to be blunt.

I’m all for sharing vulnerability, in fact it's vital for emotional health.

And losing a child is, I think, every parent’s worst nightmare. But there are others who have greater losses, multiple deaths and traumas.

It’s not a competition.

Every person’s story and emotional experience is valid.

But Trauma Comparison is a thing and I witness it all the time, which is why I was compelled to record this episode about it.

Take a listen and hear my take on the topic.

And remember this, another person’s response is not your responsibility. And if their response is sh*tty, then that’s a reflection on them, not you.

So please please please, share your stories, your emotions and your traumas with the people you want to.

Be compassionate.

Be kind.

And live your life through the lens of love.

Speaking of which.

Could you dig into your beautiful heart and donate a few dollars to Catherine House please? They do amazing work helping end homelessness for women throughout South Australia. As a Community Ambassador, it’s my purpose to raise awareness and funds to support them. There was a 45% increase in enquiries for help over the last year given the rise in our cost of living and the current rental squeeze, so every dollar helps.

If you can, please donate to help another woman in need.
Here’s the link
Have a great week honey.

Be kind.
Be vulnerable.
Be compassionate.

With love
Elle 💜

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Or for direct contact, drop me an email.
[email protected]