Welcome back my friend. 💜

This week’s episode is a bit different. It follows up on the episode from 2 weeks ago called, ‘Why It’s Vital That You Start Unlocking The Padlocks On Your Sh*tbrick Backpack .’ If you haven’t listened to it yet, then I’d encourage you to do so before you immerse yourself into this one.

Listen to this episode in a quiet, distraction free location, it’s definitely not suitable for when you are driving, walking or doing anything else active.

I will guide you through a hypnotic journey to help you unpack and release the sh*tbricks that you have been lugging around in your backpack. It’s key that you allow your imagination to direct you and to follow the suggestions I make. This is not logical, it’s magical.

If you want to repeat the meditation, here is a link with the meditation only.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to access your unconscious mind to help you release repressed emotions, memories or beliefs that are arising when you least expect it. If you have an emotional reaction to an experience, the trigger is current but the emotion likely originated from your early childhood. Consciously trying to eradicate the trigger won’t work, it’s like pushing down a middle domino in a domino run and expecting all the dominoes to fall. You need to push over domino #1.

I hope you find the meditation helpful. Keep a journal handy so you can record any information or ideas after you have finished.

And please reach out if you have any questions.

Are you interested in diving into more of your unconscious mind?

This time discovering your values? Your values are like your personal commandments, they inform how you live your life, make decisions, interact with others and feel about yourself.

Know Your Values is a private coaching program. I will teach you about values, help you discover yours and then create a blueprint to help you live a life aligned with your values.

It includes 4 x 1:1 sessions either in person or online.

In between support via a chosen chat platform.

AND a personalised hypnotic meditation to help you integrate and keep you in momentum.

It’s valued at more than $1000!

I have released 5 programs only for $333.

If you are interested in enrolling, drop me an email [email protected] or send me a private message via Instagram or Facebook, the links are below.

I’d love to help you life in alignment with your values.

As always, I’d love you to consider donating a few dollars to Catherine House. CH
support women to end homelessness in South Australia. The provide an incredible service to women who are doing it tough. To find out more about the Catherine House, check out their new website.

And you can donate through this link.

Thanks so much for listening. Please feel free to share it with a friend or family member who may benefit.

Love Elle 💜💜

Remember to follow me on Instagram,
or Facebook

Or for direct contact, drop me an email.
[email protected]