Hey there 💜

This is a story about relinquishing self identity. How in relationships in the past I have allowed myself to be moulded into versions of myself to please my partner. I recount one particular relationship and how I changed and belittled myself in order to stay on the right side of my then partner. It was exhausting and definitely not true to myself.

It took many years of therapy with my psychologist to heal old wounds brought about by my parents' divorce, my first real heartbreak which informed the decisions I made about future partnerships, partnerships that were not right for me.

Self identity is an organic, in flux concept of self based on your perceptions and views as well how you feel that you are perceived from the outside. It's complex and prone to external infuence, conditioning, upbringing, life results and self image.

But it's yours, and should be protected and nurtured. Its your source of confidence and self-assuredness. You are a projection of your self-identity.

I'd love to know how your self-identity has been shaped by experience and people.

Drop me an email if you're keen - [email protected]

Until next week, have an awesome one.

Elle 💜
