Hello 💜

Here is the second part of Kathy Rast's Courage story. In it she shares how she decided, after many years of study, not to follow her dream of becoming a psychologist. She had to front up to her family and friends and accept their feedback and in some cases, disappointment, about her decision with gratitude and grace.

Kathy has experienced dibilitating and crippling pain most of her life. She was exposed to unnecessary and out-dated medical treatments for being too tall 😳 She has experienced anxiety and depression along with the pain that kept her in bed for days on end. She battled boys clubs and the "sweep it under the carpet" mentality that caused her to suppress her emotions, further exascerbating her emotional and physical condition.

She endured and endured and endured before she said ENOUGH!

She sought help and support.

She rested and healed.

She rose back up and learnt how to turn her experiences in to skills to help others going through similar life experiences.

She is now an organisational coach who helps businesses promote a culture of curiosity and inclusivity and to support and nurture their teams.

Enjoy part 2 of our interview.

See you next week

Elle 💜