Hello you 😍

This episode is a mash up of some questions that I was asked on social media. I just know in my heart that the information is so important to women all over the globe that I decided to share it here to preserve it for H2H listeners.

In this episode, I talk about how important recognising and honouring your self-identity is. Its the only real thing that is solely yours and yours alone so its up to you to ensure that you nurture and create it to serve you best in your life.

I also talk about being the boss of your thoughts and how doing the work around this will help you live a more calm and smoother life.

Finally, I talk about how to bounce back from tragedy or trauma. It's a huge question and everyone has a very personal approach to it. I share my story about losing my daughter Chloe and how I chose to honour her life with my own, how during times of deep grief, I surrender and allow myself just to be. It's a very personal story and experience, not just for me but for anyone who has experienced loss.

I trust that you hear something that resonates with you and that may help you live your life with more awareness and knowledge.

My free masterclass on becoming the boss of your thoughts is available through this link, I'd love you to check it out.


Until next week, I see you and I honour you.

Elle 💜
