Hey there beautiful listener 💜

This week I was rocked and saddened to hear about a young woman who had taken her own life. I didn’t even know her, had not connection with her, except for finding her on You Tube.

So this episode is dedicated to Lee, a glowing, fun and funny 27yo Canadian adventurer.

Coming across her and seeing her in all her sparkliness before she died brought up so much sadness and to be honest, anger in me.

Why don’t we teach our kids to love themselves so much that it drowns our the noisy internal and external demons who try to drag them down?

I’m not going to write much more here because I want you to listen to the episode with an open heart and mind.

And once you do, look at your own lens to see how you experience and interact with life.

I love you.

See you next time

Elle 💜


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