Welcome back lovely 💜

This episode is an organic flow, from finding joy to fostering the deepest and most important relationship, the one with Self.

All of your relationships are a reflection of your relationship with your Self.

How you feel about you.

How much you love and accept you.

How kind and compassionate you are with you.

All of those feelings about you are reflected in your feelings about others. You might think you can love others but not yourself? Not possible. You can only truly love others to the extent that you love yourself, if you feel differently, then get curious as to how you love others. Do you love and accept them totally? Or do you have a little judgey stuff going on too?

So if all of your relationships are a reflection on your relationship with Self, then you’d better ensure that you’re working on it 24/7.

In this episode I chat about this in the context of what I am offering. It’s not a shameless plug but it smells a bit like it. 🤣🤣🤣

But only because I am bursting with passion to help women create their lives in the way that makes them feel empowered, free, joyful and full of love.

And when you think of manifestation, do you think about your emotions? Or do you think about something new and shiny?

My approach to manifesting is to manifest GREAT feeling emotions, emotions that are high on the Hawkins Map of Consciousness. Now that’s not to say that you’ve got to be high vibe all the time, I mean we’re not designed that way, it’s about awareness. Be aware what you are feeling and if it’s not making you feel good, then know how to acknowledge, release and express those emotions so you can up your vibratory feeling. (Check out the Childhood Wounds episode)

So in this episode I give you a virtual experience of how one of my Manifesting Circles looks. If you come along you will walk away feeling more empowered, confident and with a stronger sense of clarity around how you want to feel in your life.

If you live in Adelaide, check out these info pages for the Manifesting Circle and Manifest on Fire. ❤️‍🔥

 I’d love you to join me in love & creation.

Catch you next week

Elle 💜

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[email protected]