Welcome back to Eleanor Crawford Unplugged. I’m so happy you are here.

Before we get stuck into today's episode, I'd like to ask to you consider making a donation to Catherine House. CH is a South Australian organisation who's mission is to end homelessness for women. Its a cause close to my heart and hopefully yours.
Every dollar helps a woman in need and is 100% tax deductible. So if you have a few dollars that you can spare, please donate through this link. Thank you. 🙌

I’m coming up to an anniversary of sorts. This time 2 years ago I was grappling with a big decision, the decision whether I leave or stay in my third marriage.

It had been bubbling around for almost a year. Should I? Could I? How would I be perceived? How would it be received? Would I be a failure? Again?


I didn’t know the answer to any of that.

But what I did know was that I was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and despite doing some deep work on myself, I couldn’t see how that was going to change.

So I chose me.

What I did do before I made this decision was to ensure that I felt safe when doing so. Here are the steps I took that I want to share with you here and in the episode.

1.     Remember that you are the boss of you. 💜

2.     Take your time, be patient with yourself and listen to your heart and gut.

3.     Surround yourself with supportive, trustworthy and non-judgemental people, people who will be your soft place to fall.

4.     If they are in short supply, lean on a confidante, therapist, mentor or coach.

5.     Journal the crap out of your decision & tune into your feelings.

6.     Ensure you are physically safe by getting legal advice or police support.

7.     Use your imagination. Envisage your life post decision, how that would feel.


You deserve true happiness, fulfillment, joy and to feel safe.

You’ve got this honey.

Until next week,

Listen to your body,

Elle 💜💜💜

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