Hello and welcome back to Eleanor Crawford Unplugged for 2023.

I was thinking about the content for my first episode back; should I talk about new years resolutions? Nah, statistics tell us that they have probably gone by the wayside already. What about your word for the year? That seems like it’s over done. 

What then?

My podcasting style is to go with the flow, talk about issues or situations that are current for me. I don’t batch my recordings like many podcasters do, I record weekly and in the moment, so I trusted that the content would appear for me.

And did it ever!

This episode is about my vulnerability when it comes to feeling lonely. It raised it’s head like a train this time and I was overcome with emotion. It took me by surprise and I had to work hard to ‘Let it go.’

I had a conversation with God, asked for help and trusted that it would be there for me, which it was.

This episode follows the process I took, the asking for help, the trusting it would happen, the surrendering to life and the taking an action.

And God put a friend, 2 in fact, on my path.

I had a choice. I could’ve taken the personal pity party route and stayed in my funky energy all day or I could take action to shift that energy.

Thankfully I chose the latter.

Take a listen to see what happened.

In other news, I am super proud to share that I have been appointed as a Community Ambassador for Catherine House. Catherine House helps end homelessness for women in South Australia, in fact they are the only organisation that offer this support.

I believe that all women deserve a safe and stable home in which to live and it breaks my heart to hear how many women are couch surfing or living in their cars, often with their children. 

So as an ambassador my role is to raise awareness and money to help this most important cause. Check out their website for more info.

If this resonates with you, please consider donating a few dollars to help a fellow sister who is being challenged by homelessness. I can only imagine the stress! Can’t you?

Here is the link to donate. And thank you for your kindness.

See you next week.

Elle 💜💜💜

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[email protected]