How does breath relate to your rhythms? Or to balancing the masculine and feminine energy that reside within you?

Your breath connects the world within you with the world around you, and breath work can be the tool you use to link your own rhythms and the world's rhythm so you live in flow instead of chaos.

Your breath invites a more balanced, mindful way of living. In today's episode I'll uncover the connection between breathwork and your energetic rhythms. 

You'll learn:

Why breathwork most certainly is related to your energetic rhythmsHow breathwork is similar to tracking your rhythms and the rhythms around youHow breathwork can be a tool to use to your advantage during your cycle.

Today's talk could change how you perceive and interact with life's most natural process - breathing.  Breathing exercises can indeed help us slow down, cultivate mindfulness during chaos, and fill us up rather than drain us, just like tracking your Energetic Rhythms can do.

Breathing well, aka Functional Breathing, is breathing that optimizes the air exchange that takes place within your body.  Creating the right environment for this gas exchange to take place.  But in order to do that, one of the key elements of breathing well is actually to slow down your breath. And believe it or not using your body's natural rhythms and the rhythms around you involves that same element of slow. It's about creating a new baseline way of living. A more mindful approach to showing up in this world.

How you breathe is who you are as a person, so when you can slow your breath, your life naturally begins to slow down and feel less chaotic. Less rushed. Less busy all the time, even if it is full.  It seems to flow instead of fight the chaos that surrounds it.  Listen in to learn more.

Get back into a routine this Fall and start tracking your rhythms as you do so - Daily Rhythms Tracker

Join me for a weekly virtual breathwork session - all sessions recorded, and you have access to all previously recorded sessions - Breathe to Flow Breathwork Class

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More Episodes Like This One:
#59: How You Breathe is Who You Are
#64: Yoga's Rhythm is Also Your Rhythm
#84: Harmony Within: Exploring the Body-Mind Bridge

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