Action-taking women are often described or judged as having more masculine tendencies that correlate with "doing," strength, being assertive, confidence, having a "take-charge" attitude, and maybe even being a bit tough or hardened; rather than taking on more what is thought of as feminine traits like softness, compassion, emotion, receiving, caretaking, and nurturing.

Those more masculine qualities are thought to align with the solar energy of the universe, whereas, the feminine qualities have been thought to align with the lunar energy of the universe.  So does that mean that women should try to embody and embrace only lunar energy and men only solar energy?

Absolutely not!

We ALL have access to both solar and lunar qualities, and each needs to be nurtured and given space to thrive so that you're not living in the burnout cycle.

Burnout happens from only operating in the work-produce phases of productivity...only when trying to constantly mimic the solar masculine instead of embody the the idea that we have access to both the solar and lunar doesn't have to be one or the other.

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Other Episodes like this one:
#40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
#45: How to Tap into Your Feminine Energy
#46: Owning Your Power with Solar Feminine Energy

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