Comparison = Inadequacy {no matter what}.

When you start down the path of living more intentionally to avoid burnout, it can be tough to shed things that have felt so "normal" for so long. Like the hustle to "keep up with the Jones's."

You may have urges to try harder even when you know you know your body wants to slow down. You can feel super inadequate at times because the world around you isn't necessarily slowing down...but you have made the conscious choice, set the intention even, to begin to use another source for informing your life instead of comparison.

Enter:  your inner guidance--the higher knowing or voice of God within you calling you to act.

Why comparison and trying to "keep up with the Jones'" is actually one of the fastest ways to burnout, but that it's still part of the journey no matter what phase of it you're on.

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More Episodes like this one:
#39:  What is Cyclical Living
#40:  Energetic Rhythms and You
#43:  The Power of Letting Go with Dave Weesner

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