HappyKidMonday artwork


21 episodes - English - Latest episode: 11 months ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

A few years ago I was in a permanent job and very unhappy. I was thinking of the panic attacks I had and every Monday I almost cried because I had to go AGAIN to this job that didn’t even use my talents or knowledge. I got used like a matchstick and didn’t dare to talk about how devastated I felt. Running saved me from that and whenever I went for a run I took a picture in the elevator after while I was stretching and wrote #HappyKid and the weekday it was. At some point I came up with the podcast because I was ready to speak up and talk about what was on my mind and named it HappyKidMonday because Monday only sucks if you don’t do what you love ! Tune in to learn more about yourself, how to be yourself, entrepreneurship and get to know the amazing people I meet throughout my way. 

Health & Fitness mentalhealth selfcare entrepreneurship entrepreneur femaleleadership mental
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HappyKidMonday: Gewalt in der Geburtenhilfe

June 20, 2023 08:30 - 36 minutes - 50.3 MB

Gewalt. Geburt. Passt nicht so zusammen. Passiert aber öfter als man hören möchte.  Ich habe die wunderbare und starke Saskia Riemer dazu interviewed. Ihre Geschichte erzählt sie zum Teil im Podcast. Es wird ein Teil 2 folgen. Sie hat die Instagramseite @gewaltfreie_geburtshilfe und die dazugehörige Initiative gegründet. Von Anfang an wurde sie von ihrer Schwägerin unterstützt. Die erste Kundgebung war am 19.11. in Mainz. Danach haben sich ihr weitere Aktivistinnen angeschlossen. ...

Soll ich bleiben oder gehen? Narzissmus Teil 2 - Gast: Angela Roeckerath

February 28, 2023 00:00 - 30 minutes - 41.6 MB

Es tut mir leid. Ich habe den Ton verkackt. Meine Kopfhörer haben einen Wasserschaden. Dafür hört man Angela prima und darum geht es! Denn sie war mein Gast im Podcast zum Thema Narzissmus - Teil 2. Ich habe lange gebraucht, um den zweiten Teil aufzunehmen aber alles kommt eben in der richtigen Zeit. Ich nehme Leoben auf, wenn ich es fühle als nur zu produzieren, dass produziert worden ist. Angela und ich haben uns kennengelernt, weil wir 2020 beide zum Thema Narzissmus recherchie...

HappyKidMonday - Female Entrepreneurship, Micro Management & The Corporate World Guest: Nazrin Rahimova

November 24, 2022 00:00 - 26 minutes - 35.9 MB

I met Nazrin many years ago in Munich and we studied a while together. Ever since I got to know her she was drawing. First offline and later digital. I was curious and encouraged her to speak up and get her art into shops and restaurants in order to be seen. Since we were in a business school it was kind of a stark contrast to do something creative as most of the classes are focused on rationality. Fast forward, Nazrin has founded her own fashion and jewellery business while having ...

HappyKidMonday - Zu Gast: Johanna Bauer "Immo FrauenPower" Wie man eine Immobilie kauft

October 16, 2022 00:00 - 28 minutes - 38.7 MB

Diese Folge ist auf Deutsch. Im Podcast hatte ich Johanna Bauer zu Gast. Sie ist über 70, fitter als mancher Millenial und hilft Frauen beim Kauf der (ersten) Immobilie ohne an den gängigen Risiken zu scheitern. Johanna erzählt im Podcast ihre eigene Geschichte, wie sie zu ihrer ersten Immobilie kam, wann das war und wie sie sich diese leisten konnte. Wir stellen fest, dass heute alles gleich ist wie damals und gar kein schlechter Zeitpunkt ist für einen Kauf. Wenn auch Du Dir scho...

HappyKidMonday - How Mental Health is Approached with Gen Z

October 04, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 39.9 MB

Hi Guys!  in this episode I interviewed Leelou Reboh who is a student of fashion and journalism. She is 19 years old and represents Gen Z in this episode. We are talking about mental health and how it still is a 'black' topic, where this prejudice is coming from that it is negative to talk about it & we share the best advices that ever were given to us. We encourage you to speak openly about your feelings and also explain you why we experienced that this leads to a happier life. ...

HappyKidMonday - Female Empowerment Guest: Sarah Livesey | Metaphysics

July 10, 2022 00:00 - 38 minutes - 53.4 MB

Hi everyone! I am finally back recording! In the meantime I met so many wonderful women on my path and I am so inspired by them. I made it my mission to interview these inspiring, powerful and of course empowered women and hope you can take take away some learnings, thoughts and inspiration from the interviews. In this weeks' episode I interviewed Sarah Livesey she studied metaphysics and works as clairvoyant. I work with her for over a year now and thought you need to meet her!...

Soll ich bleiben oder gehen? (Narzissmus) Teil 1: Warum Du nicht glücklich verliebt bist

November 01, 2020 20:39 - 22 minutes - 15.5 MB

Narzissmus mal von einer anderen Perspektive. Ich habe mich die letzten 1.5 Jahre intensiv mit dem Thema Narzissmus auseinandergesetzt. Recherchiert, erlebt, hingefallen, aufgestanden, reflektiert, geliebt, gelitten und vor allem: gelernt. Allerdings hier der Disclaimer: Ich bin weder Psychologe noch Psychiater. Ich möchte mit meinen Einblicken mit euch teilen, was ich erlebt habe & hoffe dem einen oder anderen die Selbstzweifel zu ersparen und euch zu motivieren, daran zu glauben, d...

Wie wird man eigentlich Rennfahrer? - Interview mit Maro Engel

September 05, 2020 00:00 - 28 minutes - 39.3 MB

Wir melden uns zurück mit einer neuen Folge! Diesmal mit einem ganz besonderen Gast: dem Rennfahrer Maro Engel. Er fährt für Mercedes AMG, war schon FIA GT World Cup Champion, hat bereits das 24 Stunden Rennen am Nürburgring gewonnen, ist GT Cup Gewinner in Macau geworden und hat noch etliche andere bedeutsame Rennen gewonnen, ist Familienvater, Ehemann und heute unser Gesprächspartner bei HappyKidMonday. Wir haben über Monaco gesprochen, Rennen, über Mental Health, im Moment se...

HappyKidMonday - Keine Eier oder Nicht Noch Ein Veganer (GERMAN)

June 07, 2020 00:00 - 36 minutes - 25.3 MB

"Wir müssen uns von dem Bild des dünnen, blassen Veganers trennen!" Ich habe mit Diana darüber gesprochen, warum sie vor 10 Jahren entschloss vegan zu leben, über Selbstreflexion, Eier, Bücher, ihren Lifestyle und ihre 3 monatige Weltreise, die 3 Jahre dauerte. Diana ist Personal Trainerin, Ernährungs"guru" und für mich eine Inspiration! Schaut bei ihr auf Instagram vorbei: @dianacosmopolitana für Veganer Rezepte und Trainingstipps

Be a boss: Female Leadership - Interview with Eleftheria Egel

May 14, 2020 00:00 - 30 minutes - 21.1 MB

Female leadership. I hear it quite often but what does it actually mean? Eleftheria Egel, Phd helps female entrepreneurs to meet their unique needs, overcome challenges and grasp opportunities . She works with women through all stages of their entrepreneurship journey: from the moment they perceive an opportunity to the moment they launch their company and lead their business to growth. Moreover, she is a wise women, studied and taught at the International University of Monaco, w...

HappyKidMonday Interview with Renate Lekovic

April 06, 2020 00:00 - 24 minutes - 16.7 MB

Crazy times. I left NYC and returned to Berlin when corona turned into a forecasted economic crisis. So my format 'Voices of New York' will continue as soon as I am back! In the meantime I want to share with you inspiring German men and women. (Note: this episode is in GERMAN. The script can be shared in English, too. Just drop me a Facebook in mail on @happykidmonday) I spend a lot of time reflecting on the past 8 years (since I finished High School) and remembered my first passion...

Voices of New York Interview with Ava Gromadzka

March 12, 2020 00:00 - 30 minutes - 21 MB

I interview Ava in the Carlyle Hotel in New York City. Ava is a wonderful, smart and beautiful blonde woman with polish roots. She has lived in Denmark before she has moved to New York City. We talk about how to make her unique morning smoothie, how the universe is guiding all of us, how to make it to and in New York City and (of course) the coronavirus crisis. Tune in! #HappyKidMonday

HappyKidMonday Voices of New York

February 21, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 19 MB

I made a LinkedIn shoutout during this time in NYC and found Kamar Foster. He invented and ice cream on demand service in NYC, taught math before and is now on his way to be a serial entrepreneur! Tune in!

Voices of New York Interview with Kamar Foster in NYC

February 21, 2020 00:00 - 27 minutes - 19 MB

You didn't hear from HappyKidMonday for quite a while as I don't record when I don't feel doing so. I started this out if a place when I felt like I need to say things out loud and now it turned out that I keep meeting amazing people with a story. This time during my time in NYC I bring my microphone with me and started to capture the people and their stories I meet throughout my way. In this episode we talk about entrepreneurship and that this is not as golden as it seems always. Tu...

Toxic People and Why It's Ok and Necessary to Cut Them Out Of your Life

August 12, 2019 00:00 - 9 minutes - 6.52 MB

We all know this people who suck out your energy. You like them or even love them but thy are NO GOOD FOR YOU. Sometimes we feel caught and like we can't cut hem out of our life. We worry what lies and stories they will invent after we tell them bye for good. But you know what? A reminder: what someone says of you says more about them than it does of you. Don't give a single crap about what they think of you. Protect your precious inner peace and let them go. How? Why? Listen to th...

HappyKidHabit Episode 7

July 04, 2019 00:00 - 11 minutes - 8.06 MB

When ego takes the run conflicts escalate. And so is it in your relationship. If your ego is mad and your negative believes are nourished and find space to exist, you change into another person. What to do in order to have a calm live with your boy- or girlfriends, check out this episode! #HappyKidMonday

HappyKidHabit: Start and Beginning

May 30, 2019 00:00 - 7 minutes - 5.13 MB

Who said you can't be who you want to be? Who are you to accept what people who have never heard the thoughts inside you to judge you? You want to become an influencer? doctor? model? car racer? BECOME one. Start to be yourself. Don't be defined by what someone else thinks of you. Establish a HappyKidHabit into your life. #happykidmonday

HappyKidHabit Episode 4: Intuition, intuition, intuition

March 29, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.05 MB

“You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind.” ― Roy T. Bennett Do you dare to follow your intuition? Find out how to improve your ability to listen to your gut feeling. HappyKidMonday! (or HappyKidFriday :P)

HappyKidHabit Episode 3

March 04, 2019 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.11 MB

This episode is in English ! :) Heart is racing, breathing is faster than it should be, you feel like you lost control: a panic attack and what to do to get rid of it. Have you ever had a panic attack? After I dared to open up about my own panic attack I realised that this is not a problem my own but that many people struggle with it. But how to get over it and what to do if it comes back? All answers in the podcast. Enjoy the episode! HappyKidmonday!

HappyKidHabit Episode2: "Du bist verrückt"

January 25, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.43 MB

Ich kann das nicht. Ich bin nicht gut genug. Die mögen mich nicht. Ich kann das nicht schaffen. Wir alle kennen sie, die Stimme in uns, die uns das eintrichtern will. Doch wie kann man seine Träume leben? Hör es Dir jetzt in der neuen Episode von HappyKidHabit an!

HappyKidHabit: 1. Episode: 2 Ringelsocken & wer bin ich

January 05, 2019 00:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

Ich möchte mit diesem Podcast an meinen Blog auf Facebook anknüpfen: 'HappyKidMonday'. Ich habe vor ca. 6 Monaten angefangen meine Erfahrungen aus meinem Leben zu teilen. Ich möchte dass Du Deine Träume lebst und keine Angst hast Du selbst zu sein. Ich möchte Dir helfen Deine Passion zu finden und die Flamme in Dir aufleuchten zu lassen, sodass Du abends mit einem Lächeln auf dem Gesicht, zufrieden einschläfst und Dich auf den nächsten Tag Deines Lebens freust. Ich möchte Dir zeigen,...