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Greg Palast

145 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 months ago - ★★★★★ - 35 ratings

Greg Palast is an investigative reporter, whose stories appear on BBC Television, The Guardian, Al Jazeera and Rolling Stone. You can read/watch his reports at He is the author of the NY Times bestsellers The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, Armed Madhouse, and the highly acclaimed Vultures’ Picnic. You can stream his new film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman — introduced by Martin Sheen and narrated by Rosario Dawson — for a limited time at:

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Surreal News: Don’t Buy Exxon’s Fable Of The Drunken Captain

April 10, 2024 21:08 - 19 minutes - 17.7 MB

35 years after the Exxon Valdez ran aground, causing America’s greatest environmental disaster, investigative journalist Greg Palast explains why you shouldn't buy big oil's fable of the drunken captain. Get the full story at:

Elise Paschen reads Wi’-gi-e, the inspiration for Killers of the Flower Moon

March 10, 2024 16:26 - 2 minutes - 2.14 MB

Before Scorsese’s film, before Grann’s book, there was a poem... Osage poet Elise Paschen reads “Wi’-gi-e”, the poem which inspired the title of the book and film, Killers of the Flower Moon. We filmed her special reading of the poem, which she dedicates to Lily Gladstone, who portrays Osage Native Mollie Burkhart in the film. If there is any justice in this world, Gladstone will win the Oscar for Best Actress. It was Elise, co-founder of Poetry in Motion, whose poem is spoken in the voice...

Court Approves Vigilante Mass Voter Challenges; Devastating Threat to 2024 Election

January 08, 2024 21:49 - 20 minutes - 37.3 MB

A federal court in Georgia has just ruled that a challenge to 360,000 Georgians’ right to vote—suspiciously targeting Black voters—does not violate the Voting Rights Act. This decision poses a devastating threat to the 2024 election. Judge Steve C. Jones slapped aside the suit brought by Stacy Abrams’ Fair Fight against Texas group True the Vote, which had created the hit list of voters. The judge cited “lack of evidentiary support”—but he refused to hear our evidence, which is featured in ...

Court Rules only Voting Rights Criminals Can Sue Voting Rights Criminals—No Kidding!?!

December 06, 2023 12:11 - 22 minutes - 41.2 MB

Set your hair on fire right now, because a recent ruling by the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals virtually repeals the last living section of the Voting Rights Act. This ruling, at the moment, applies to Arkansas, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Missouri. But it's going to go to the US Supreme Court, then look out. Because if the SCOTUS judges go along with this ruling, the whole of the United States will be Jim Crow’d. ► For more on this go to: https://www.gregpala...

Lawyers Guild Show: Palast Reports from the Frontlines of Democracy

September 07, 2023 14:44 - 24 minutes - 44.6 MB

If the new vote suppression tactics first used by Brian Kemp in Georgia — and exposed in investigative reporter Greg Palast’s new film Vigilante — are allowed to spread across the United States, then vote suppression, not the voters, will pick the next president. In this episode of the KPFK Lawyers Guild Show, hosts Jim Lafferty and Maria Hall talk to Palast about the new existential threats to our democracy.

Will Venue-Shopping Help Trump Evade Conviction in Georgia?

August 25, 2023 15:30 - 29 minutes - 53.4 MB

Will Georgia DA Fani Willis secure a conviction in her case against Donald Trump? Or will venue-shopping help Trump secure a more amenable jury pool to help him evade conviction?

Trump indicted under RICO statutes

August 16, 2023 13:18 - 15 minutes - 28.6 MB

Donald Trump and 18 others have been indicted by Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis, under RICO organized crime statues for trying to fix the 2020 presidential elections. Greg Palast reports from Oklahoma on the RICO indictment and on the planned right-wing high-jacking of the Native American vote in 2024. “The RICO statutes are designed to find the spider in the middle of the web, and there's one spider, an orange spider, in the middle of this web.” Learn more at ...

Georgia scrubs voter rolls — again — removes 191,473 voters

July 26, 2023 13:41 - 24 minutes - 45.1 MB

Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has just announced he’s removing 191,473 voters from the Georgia voter rolls. In the press release, Raffensperger boasts that Georgia has the “Cleanest voter lists in America” — of course, they've bleached them whiter than white. Meanwhile, as reported by Meidas Touch host Fred Wellman, a right wing data miner has filed an Open Records request for “Copies of the signature cards used in the election process” — for ALL 7 million Georgia voter...

Paul Singer funded the SCOTUS case that gutted the Voting Rights Act

June 29, 2023 15:34 - 36 minutes - 66.2 MB

When ProPublica reported on the undeclared luxury fishing trip Justice Samuel Alito took courtesy of billionaire Vulture Fund manager Paul Singer, they reported there was a major conflict of interest with a case that Singer brought in front of the Supreme Court against the Nation of Argentina (which I wrote about in my book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits). But they failed to mention another very important case Singer was involved in.  Singer's big goal in influencing the judiciary was to ove...

The Justice & The Vulture: How Samuel Alito & Paul Singer tore apart the Voting Rights Act

June 23, 2023 13:35 - 10 minutes - 18.6 MB

On June 25th, 2013 the US Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, when they ruled 5 to 4 that Section 4 was unconstitutional. The case, Shelby v. Holder, was financed in part by multi-billionaire hedge fund manager Paul “The Vulture” Singer. Earlier this week, ProPublica revealed that Singer flew Justice Samuel Alito on his private jet to Alaska for a luxury fishing vacation in early 2008 (a gift which Alito failed to disclose). Singer subsequently had multiple cases before Alito and th...

Trump indicted — but will he serve time?

June 15, 2023 13:46 - 21 minutes - 39.2 MB

Trump's been indicted for mishandling classified documents. Charges include Obstruction of Justice and violation of Espionage Act — but will he serve time? "I have now read this indictment three times — and remember I was a Justice Department investigator and I've been in many litigations on these big cases — and I've never seen such an indictment," says Greg Palast. "I don't see how Trump gets out of this unless he's Houdini... But I'm very concerned that the clock is Trump's friend." In ...

“Rev” Pat Robertson: Diamonds for the Antichrist

June 14, 2023 11:18 - 15 minutes - 28.8 MB

I did a massive investigation of the late, defrocked "Reverend" Pat Robertson, who died on Thursday at the age of 93 and was, weirdly, a fan of mine. I wrote the exposé for The Guardian and had secretly recorded Robertson admitting to several financial crimes. He had raised millions of dollars from his flock, the 700 Club (which was named after those who donated $700 a year). They raised millions for “Operation Blessing”, supposedly to help alleviate the woes of refugees fleeing genocide in...

Trump’s Townhall Ballot-Box BS Is a Bigger Threat Than You Think

May 19, 2023 12:57 - 9 minutes - 17.3 MB

It’s easy to make fun of Donald Trump’s brain vomit unleashed on CNN Wednesday.  But one of his Big Fibs is seriously threatening the 2024 election. Trump said: “If you look at True the Vote, they found millions of votes on camera, on government cameras, where they were stuffing ballot boxes. … Look at what happened in Atlanta, millions of votes, and all you have to do is take a look at government cameras. You will see them, people going to 28 different voting booths to vote, to put in seve...

Fani Willis Flips 8 Fake Electors in Georgia Grand Jury Investigation

May 07, 2023 11:08 - 12 minutes - 22.5 MB

This week it’s been revealed that Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has done immunity deals with at least 8 of the 16 fraudulent electors involved in the scheme to fix the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. In this week’s show investigative journalist Greg Palast and host Dennis J. Bernstein also talk about how Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is punishing the victims with his recent interest rate hike.   For more on that, read "Powell’s Bag of Leeches: Hiking interest, the M...

Dominion v. Fox, et al.

April 19, 2023 10:46 - 17 minutes - 32.3 MB

What happened in the Dominion case against Fox? What about Smartmatic, the voting machine company which Hugo Chavez helped launch that’s also suing Fox? Why has Fulton County DA Fani Willis filed a motion to remove the attorney representing 10 of the Georgia fraudulent electors? And what’s happening with Ali Alexander? Why was he banned from Twitter — again!?!

Trump indictment, even conviction, won’t bar him from Presidency

April 05, 2023 18:58 - 18 minutes - 33.1 MB

I hate to rain on the parade, but Trump’s indictment — even felony conviction — will not bar Trump from holding office. While I’ve reported on Trump as a one-man crime wave, the cold truth is, if convicted, it will be his first offense for low-level felony — so forget jail time. Other problems with New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case... The prosecutor has to prove that Trump INTENDED to hush up his affair to save his election — as opposed to saving him from the Wrath of Melania. ...

Election Crimes Bulletin: It’s Georgia — AGAIN!!!

March 30, 2023 19:09 - 25 minutes - 47.5 MB

Georgia is on our minds — again —this week on the Election Crimes Bulletin, with new GOP laws to eliminate absentee voting by dropbox (SB 221), to stop the use of (unfortunately) much-needed donations to support election administration (SB 222), and to create a new Georgia commission to restrict and remove prosecutors (SB 92). The later law is clearly aimed at curtailing the activities of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who’s investigating criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020...

The legal heat is on for Donald Trump

March 21, 2023 15:19 - 20 minutes - 37.5 MB

As things heat up for Donal Trump on the legal front, we take a look at the possible indictments heading his way from New York and Georgia. Though it looks like New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg might pip Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis to the post with his case involving Trump’s payoff to adult film star Stormy Daniels, it’s perhaps the possible Georgia indictment that’s proving to be more intriguing. Especially since this past week it was revealed that the Georgia Grand Jury was...

The words that could convict Trump

January 25, 2023 17:10 - 18 minutes - 33.5 MB

“It’s in front of him” may be the words that finally send Donald Trump to the hoosegow.   The focus of Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis' Grand Jury investigation was on the scheme to present a fraudulent slate of Electors to Congress (which VP Mike Pence was supposed to select for the Electoral College). And, according to the January 6th Committee report, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel sent an "elector recap" memo to Trump summarizing the scheme, based on a phone call between McDaniel, ...

The Secret History of the Jan 6 Riot

January 09, 2023 11:38 - 29 minutes - 53.8 MB

The 800-page gorilla of a report from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol seems strangely silent on a few matters that, apparently, were a bit too uncomfortable for the Committee to take on. So, buckle up for a discomfiting ride with our investigative team that has been tracking the insurrectionists for years before the Insurrection in this Special Edition of the Election Crimes Bulletin with FlashPoints host Denis J. Bernstein, investigative journa...

Santos, spiked stories, and the mainstream media’s fear of real news

December 31, 2022 12:21 - 20 minutes - 36.8 MB

In the latest edition of the Election Crimes Bulletin, investigative journalist Greg Palast and FlashPoints News host Dennis J. Bernstein discuss the mainstream media’s fear of real news, and what's missing from their headlines on stories ranging from the George Santos scandal to the recently released transcripts from the January 6 Committee. Talking of huge stories the mainstream media fail to report... Our documentary, Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman, will be available online...

DOJ takes on ’True the Vote’ Vigilantes — finally!

December 23, 2022 14:19 - 24 minutes - 45.5 MB

Finally. The Department of Justice has finally taken on ‘True the Vote’, the right-wing group behind the wrongful challenge of hundreds of thousands of legal Georgia voters. True the Vote challenges were the central subject of the film Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman created by the Palast Investigative Fund team. I know what you’re thinking: Why did Justice sue two weeks AFTER the Georgia runoff election? Luckily, the film and our related reports got out in Georgia before the ...

Why does it always come down to Georgia?

November 12, 2022 21:57 - 16 minutes - 30.2 MB

As control of the Senate hangs in the balance, once again, the balance of power may be decided in Georgia. And once again, as in 2020, Reverend Raphael Warnock [D] is headed for a runoff race — but this time the rules of the game have been changed. In March 2021, Brian Kemp signed a 98-page voter-suppression bill, SB202, which places severe restrictions on absentee ballots and dropboxes, and has unleashed an army of self-appointed GOP vote vigilantes, who are challenging voters en masse. Add...

Armed and Masked Vigilantes Intimidate Voters in Arizona

October 26, 2022 14:23 - 12 minutes - 23 MB

Vigilante voter strikes are not just happening in Georgia, where Greg Palast centered his new documentary, Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman. But the vigilantes are using different tactics in different states. In states with open carry laws, like Arizona, they’re actually showing up at early voting stations and dropbox sites with guns and masks to intimidate voters. Arizona may have an open carry law, but it’s still part of the United States of America, which means that the state ...

It was Brian Kemp’s family that first brought enslaved Africans to Georgia.

October 24, 2022 11:08 - 14 minutes - 26 MB

Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, signed a law saying you can’t teach Critical Race Theory. Why? As we revealed in the film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, it was his family that first brought enslaved Africans to Georgia.   This was just before the Revolutionary War, when Georgia was a free territory. Slavery was prohibited in Georgia, and Georgia at that time included Alabama and Mississippi. Then the Kemp family cut a deal with the King of England to bring in Africans ...

Georgia Voting Rights attorney: We are in a voter suppression state

October 19, 2022 19:39 - 19 minutes - 35.1 MB

Atlanta attorney CK Hoffler serves as counsel to civil rights icon Reverend Jesse Jackson and is Chairwoman of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition’s board. She’s the former President of the National Bar Association and has been at the forefront of the fight for voting rights in Georgia and beyond. In this week’s Election Crimes Bulletin, Hoffler talks about the challenges Georgia voters face at the polls in November. Having seen a preview of Palast’s new film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hi...

Ginni Thomas appears before Jan 6 Committee

October 02, 2022 09:39 - 11 minutes - 20.3 MB

On Thursday, Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, appeared before the January 6 Committee to testify about her role in the attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Ginni sent 29 text messages that we know about, and possibly more, to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the weeks after the election encouraging him to subvert the will of the people. She was also in communication with Trump lawyer John Eastman, who wrote the infamous memo which argued that the Cons...

Why do we even have voter registration?

September 24, 2022 11:36 - 23 minutes - 43.5 MB

On National Voter Registration Day, investigative journalist Greg Palast and Flashpoints host Dennis Bernstein ponder the big question: Why do we even have voter registration?  We didn't always have registration of voters in America. It started pretty much in Pennsylvania when they were trying to stop Black people who had been moving up from the South from voting. Registration was initially only in the cities for city dwellers. You had the Italian immigrants, the Black diaspora coming up fr...

It all comes down to Georgia

September 21, 2022 15:25 - 18 minutes - 33.1 MB

It all comes down to Georgia. Fani Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney, just laid out her case against Donald Trump. Reverend Warnock is running for reelection in a race that will determine who controls the United States Senate. Stacey Abrams is having a rematch with Governor Brian Kemp, who's been attempting to tip the scales in his favor by bringing felony charges against Black election workers and enacting a new anti-voter law, SB202, which (among other things) has unleashed mass ...

The Politician Protection Racket

September 13, 2022 09:42 - 26 minutes - 47.8 MB

If Donald Trump and Brian Kemp succeed in using electioneering as an excuse to wriggle out of indictments and grand jury subpoenas, then running for office will become the ultimate get out of jail free card, which will open up a whole new can of worms. 

The trouble with ERIC

September 06, 2022 16:56 - 21 minutes - 39.3 MB

The idea of ERIC was to expand voter registration. If you moved, they would follow you and say, hey, would you like to register in your new state? That's very good. That's very progressive. In fact, a bunch of liberals from the Pew Trust and Brennan Center came up with it. But now a number of Republican Secretaries of State have taken it over and inverted it. Instead of asking people, would you like to register, they're using the ERIC lists, which are often wrong, to remove voters by the mil...

Brian Kemp: From witness to unindicted co-conspirator?

August 28, 2022 10:19 - 27 minutes - 49.6 MB

It seems a mystery. Why is Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia playing hide and seek with the Atlanta grand jury investigating whether Trump and associates attempted to tamper with the 2020 election results? Why is the Governor resisting the subpoena? After all, the national press has played Kemp as some kind of hero for allegedly standing up to Trump, refusing to overturn Georgia’s majority for Joe Biden. But Kemp is no hero. The reality: Kemp and his elections chief played games with Georgia’...

Brian Kemp resists Georgia grand jury subpoena

August 21, 2022 17:19 - 22 minutes - 40.5 MB

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is resisting a grand jury subpoena from Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who is investigating criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020 election by Donald Trump and his cronies. The question is why? Indeed, we wouldn’t even have known that Kemp had been subpoenaed for the closed-door hearing if wasn’t for the 121-page motion his legal team filed with the Fulton County Superior Court. After refusing to provide sworn testimony by video in July, Willis’ of...

Trump raided, in part, because of law he signed to ensnare Clinton

August 13, 2022 13:31 - 16 minutes - 30.6 MB

In this week’s edition of the Election Crimes Bulletin, host Dennis Bernstein and investigative reporter Greg Palast discuss the recent FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Separate from the investigation being undertaken by the January 6th Committee, the raid on Trump’s Florida home was done at the request of the National Archives, who were seeking official documents Trump had illegally removed from the White House. And there’s a certain amount of schadenfreude to be had, knowing Tru...

Contents of Alex Jones’ phone set to implicate Trump

August 06, 2022 10:36 - 19 minutes - 34.8 MB

In this week’s edition of the Election Crimes Bulletin we reveal how the contents of Alex Jones’ cellphone — which were accidentally handed over to the prosecution in their entirety by the shock jock’s own lawyers during the Sandy Hook defamation trial, and will now likely end up in the hands of the January 6 Committee — could provide proof that Trump and members of his administration were directly involved in the planning of the illegal march to Capitol which ended in violence.   "If I we...

Could Georgia DA Fani Willis turn Donald into Little “RICO” Trump?

August 01, 2022 13:30 - 18 minutes - 33.1 MB

About a month ago, I would’ve said there’s no chance Donald Trump will be indicted, and I still think that you’re not gonna see that on a federal level. But Trump may yet see the inside of a prison cell, thanks to the efforts of Fani Willis, the first woman to hold the office of District Attorney in Fulton County, Georgia. Because of the Georgia Republicans’ zeal to put Democrats like Stacey Abrams behind bars — Democrats who are guilty of registering hundreds of thousands of voters in Georg...

Election Crimes Bulletin: Nullification is the Name of the GOP's Game

June 20, 2022 13:32 - 26 minutes - 48.3 MB

Nullification, as Martin Luther king called it, is a continuing theme in the fight against the right to vote. And it wasn't just the January 6, 2021 insurrection. In 1877 you had a successful overturning, a nullification of the vote, so it can happen again.

Election Crimes Bulletin: Nullification is the Name of the GOP’s Game

June 20, 2022 13:32 - 26 minutes - 48.3 MB

Nullification, as Martin Luther king called it, is a continuing theme in the fight against the right to vote. And it wasn't just the January 6, 2021 insurrection. In 1877 you had a successful overturning, a nullification of the vote, so it can happen again.

FlashPoints' Election Crimes Bulletin — May 12, 2022

May 16, 2022 11:16 - 31 minutes - 58.4 MB

#2000Mules: In Dinesh D’Souza’s new film — which claims to prove the 2020 election was stolen by stuffing ballot drop-boxes with fraudulent votes — they have damning evidence caught on camera, but they … just don’t, uh, show it?!? Why not show us at least a couple of film clips of the 27 times they claim a Black “mule" repeated the felonious crime of couriering ballots to a drop-box? I was so angry at this criminal voter, I wanted to bust him! Expose him. Arrest him. They have his photo, his...

#2000Mules: Why not show the perps? They even blur the face of a dog!!!

May 16, 2022 11:16 - 31 minutes - 58.4 MB

In Dinesh D’Souza’s new film #2000Mules — which claims to prove the 2020 election was stolen by an army of mules that stuffed ballot drop-boxes with fraudulent votes — they don’t show the face or give us the name of a single perp. Why not? They even blur the face of a dog that went to a drop-box with one of these so-called mules! Nice of D’Souza to protect the guilty. Unless, of course, they weren’t guilty. Or just guilty of Voting While Black. #2000Mules: Fact or Fiction? Learn more: https:...

2000 Mules: Fact or Fiction?

May 09, 2022 13:03 - 39 minutes - 72.1 MB

In his film 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza sets out to prove a giant criminal conspiracy to stuff ballot boxes with fraudulent votes. The proof? Well, you can see it with your own eyes: There’s a BLACK man and he is dropping off BALLOTS in a ballot drop box. Case closed! You can laugh now. But crying time is coming. I predict that 2000 Mules will create the platform for Trump’s loss of the election in 2024 — and Trump’s inauguration in 2025. D’Souza’s charge is mind-blowing... In Fulton County ...

The Jack Blood Show: Censorship, cognitive dissonance & bullsh*t hypocrisy

May 06, 2022 13:07 - 45 minutes - 82.8 MB

“I don't want anyone censored, whether you're supporting Democrats, Republicans, or whatever. And I don't support any freaking candidate, because they all end up going rotten, I don't care who they are.” — Greg Palast “It's a victim's parade, send in the clowns, theater of the mass, whitelist for everybody.” — Jack Blood

Insurrectionist Disqualification: Marjorie Taylor Greene v. 14th Amendment

April 29, 2022 14:22 - 22 minutes - 40.9 MB

In this week's episode of The FlashPoints' Election Crimes Bulletin, John C. Bonifaz of Free Speech for People talks to hosts Greg Palast and Dennis J. Bernstein about his group’s lawsuit, which challenges Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s candidacy for re-election under the 14th Amendment’s Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause

West Virginia protest calls out Joe Manchin’s dirty coal profits

April 18, 2022 09:48 - 26 minutes - 49 MB

More than 50 activists convened on a power plant in West Virginia last weekend, calling for its closure. By the end of the day, 16 people were arrested. The plant the protesters targeted in Grant Town is one where Sen. Joe Manchin makes nearly $500,000 per year selling a dirty coal waste called “gob.” Gob is short for “garbage of bituminous,” which Sen. Manchin sells to the power plant for a tidy profit via Enersystems, the company he founded and that his son now runs. The protesters, a mix ...

We have to cutoff Putin’s ability to make money off oil

April 16, 2022 17:00 - 46 minutes - 85.6 MB

Russia got 45% of its national budget — that’s all its social programs, everything — from oil and gas royalties, and the price of gas hit the floor during COVID. Russia was broke. Russia was bankrupt before Putin’s war in the Ukraine. Thanks to this invasion, the price of oil has completely reversed the bankruptcy of the Russian state, and now they're making money off this war. So, we have to cutoff Putin’s ability to make money off the oil.

Election Crimes Bulletin: How an axis of awful is blocking oil from Venezuela

March 24, 2022 15:16 - 27 minutes - 49.6 MB

Venezuela has the largest reserves of oil on the planet. If you look at OPEC, they put Saudi Arabia as number two. Venezuela's producing very little oil, not even enough for its own needs at this moment, when it was producing 3.2 million barrels of oil a day — 2 million barrels a day for export. If we unleash oil from Venezuela, then Putin's profit from the invasion evaporates. Putin is earning roughly, by my calculation, a billion dollars a day windfall from the sales of oil and gas, at pr...

As long as the tanks roll, Koch Industries will be rolling in it

March 20, 2022 15:23 - 14 minutes - 27.1 MB

As long as the tanks roll, Koch Industries will be rolling in it — in this edition of the FlashPoints, Election Crimes Bulletin, Greg Palast explains why.

The Fight for Democracy in Ukraine and the United States

March 16, 2022 15:18 - 54 minutes - 99.6 MB

Journalist Larisa Alexandrovna gives us a report on the war on democracy currently being waged in Ukraine and Russia, and Major Gamaliel Turner Sr., a victim of Georgia’s new vigilante voter law, tells us about the legal battle to make his vote count in the United States.

The Price of Russian Oil with Josh Fox & Ben Judah

March 09, 2022 17:10 - 57 minutes - 106 MB

Greg Palast hosts this week's Reality Check on KPFK. His guests are filmmaker, playwright and activist Josh Fox (Gasland), and journalist and author Ben Judah (Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In and Out of Love with Vladimir Putin).

How to Stop Putin's War Windfall by Ending Our Embargo of Venezuelan Oil

March 08, 2022 12:11 - 11 minutes - 21 MB

The mayhem in Ukraine is a profit center for Putin. 43% of the federal Russian budget was provided by oil and gas revenues and royalties. Russia lives and dies, literally, on its oil revenues, and this mayhem has caused the price of oil to rise to over $100 a barrel, so he has a war-windfall of a half billion dollars a day. So the question is, what can we do to bring down the price of oil? Putin's a powerful man at a hundred bucks a barrel, but he's pretty weak at thirty bucks. So how do we d...

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