Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia, signed a law saying you can’t teach Critical Race Theory. Why? As we revealed in the film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, it was his family that first brought enslaved Africans to Georgia.


This was just before the Revolutionary War, when Georgia was a free territory. Slavery was prohibited in Georgia, and Georgia at that time included Alabama and Mississippi. Then the Kemp family cut a deal with the King of England to bring in Africans from the rice coast, because the English settlers had no idea how to grow rice. These Africans were the high tech workers of their time, they were the ones who knew how to grow rice. Rice was king before cotton in the South. So, the Kemp family's fortune, the Governor's fortune, comes from enslaving other people — that’s where the power of his family comes from, and that’s why he’s so keen to erase history.


Join me for a special, one-night only impact screening of Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman — narrated by Rosario Dawson — in Los Angeles on Weds, Oct 26 at 7PM. Entry is FREE with RSVP. Can't make the screening? Get a signed DVD with donation to support our work. 


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