Republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has just announced he’s removing 191,473 voters from the Georgia voter rolls. In the press release, Raffensperger boasts that Georgia has the “Cleanest voter lists in America” — of course, they've bleached them whiter than white.

Meanwhile, as reported by Meidas Touch host Fred Wellman, a right wing data miner has filed an Open Records request for “Copies of the signature cards used in the election process” — for ALL 7 million Georgia voters — including “the voter's name, address, and signature.” This is very dangerous. I presume it’s for the purpose of mass vigilante challenges to ballots.

And it's not just about Georgia. The Peach State is the GOP's test kitchen for vote suppression trickery, which they then roll out nationwide.

Vote suppression is class war by other means. It's about power and resources. They're not stealing votes to steal elections. They're stealing votes to steal the money.

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