It’s easy to make fun of Donald Trump’s brain vomit unleashed on CNN Wednesday.  But one of his Big Fibs is seriously threatening the 2024 election.

Trump said: “If you look at True the Vote, they found millions of votes on camera, on government cameras, where they were stuffing ballot boxes. … Look at what happened in Atlanta, millions of votes, and all you have to do is take a look at government cameras. You will see them, people going to 28 different voting booths to vote, to put in seven ballots apiece. I mean, and they’re all on camera.”

The Palast Investigative team took on this very claim in our film Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman.

Trump’s claim of one guy stuffing ballots into “28 voting booths” (he meant, absentee ballot dropboxes) comes, as he says, from the Texas group of self-proclaimed vote fraud vigilantes True the Vote, producers of the film 2000 Mules, premiered by Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

In 2000 Mules, as sinister music plays, we see a Black man get out of his car, approach a ballot drop box—and put in his vote. 

Yes, it’s all on camera Mr. Ex-President.  It’s a lot of shots of Black men…voting, putting their ballots in the box.  One of them, Mark Andrews, an Atlanta tech exec., who was hunted down by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation because of the Trump/True the Vote claim, has now sued True the Vote for defamation—and they have not denied he was falsely accused.  (Andrews had placed his ballot in the box along with his wife’s and three adult kids’ ballots.)

It’s very satisfying to say, as the CNN pundits do, that Trump is lying, that this ballot-box stuffing claim by True the Vote has been “de-bunked.” But what preening pundits leave out is that Trump’s claims have been astonishingly effective in changing laws to coldly block Black voting. 

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