How would you react if you were running late to get to the hospital to take your son for surgery and you get pulled over by the cops for speeding?

Well, you don't get pulled, the person driving the car gets pulled over.

And that person is your husband.

How would you react?

If this incident would have happened 5 years ago, I would have reacted in an entirely different way than I actually did.

Rather than scream, yell, and blame, I responded with control.

I got myself unstuck when I considered respect for who my husband is and for who my husband is not.

This week, I challenge you to consider bringing to mind one person in your life you may be having difficulty with: and see if you can respect them for who they are and for who they are not.

As always, I look forward to getting unstuck with you,


* Learn more about my on-line group program, The Journey: 

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