In this episode, Gregory Trollip shares his passion for numerology.

His mantra: The Truth has always been my compass and everything is energy

Some of the points that are discussed in this episode are:

The longest journey we face is our head to our heart.The importance of our birthdays and how it reflects in our personality. The characteristics that we take on before we were born and the significance of the relationship between our parents. We take on the frequency of the planet when we are born.The significance of our name - they are our footprints of our soulThe importance of self love - falling in love with ourselves.The importance of receiving and allowing and emptying your cup to receive.The opposite of freedom is security.His recommendations are to focus on your breath, environment, joy and honouring your inner child.He discusses sun gazing and source energy.


The book mentioned: The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman

To Contact Gregory Trollip:




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