Denise is a serenity expert and she specializes in working with empty nesters or soon-to-be empty nesters to ROCK the second half of their life so that they can thrive and shift from crisis to oasis. She empowers them to bring back the SPARK ✨ in their lives and unleashes their inner strength and creativities.

Denise talks about empty nesters and soon-to-be empty nesters and how they can benefit from decluttering their minds. Taking a look at what's going on in your life and identifying thoughts, relationships, and behaviors that no longer serve you.

Denise gives you a few steps to get started in decluttering your brain. She also has a free workbook to get you started.

Denise explains how carrying emotional baggage from the past prevents you from being fully present and happy.

She gives advice for empty nesters or soon to be empty nesters. She talks about creating an exit strategy and planning for the future with your partner. She encourages you to use this time for personal growth, hobbies, and creating a fulfilling life.

She talks about how planning your future without worry and creating a roadmap that you can follow. This helps you embrace the empty nest phase and treat it as an amazing  opportunity for self-discovery and new beginnings.


Her Free Workbook:


Her Free Checklist:


Contacting Denise:



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