It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not! (Hanoch McCarty)

Have you lied to yourself before and now you don't trust yourself?

Are you holding back?

Afraid to fail?

Does that little voice whisper to you that your aren't good enough?

Want to conquer your self doubt?

Kari gives you 5 tips today to conquer that little voice of doubt.

#1 Take care of yourself! Nourishing your body with exercise, whole foods, self care and getting through endorphins flowing! 

#2 Do the truth table activity with those thought that creep in.

#3 Remember and make a list of all of your past and present successes!

#4 Repeat affirming truths to yourself based on your history and who GOD says you are!

#5 Take action.  Make a list of every little thing you can do to accomplish your goal or move forward in the plan or project God is putting on your heart.  Do just one thing today, this week, this month and watch by the end of the quarter you will be well on your way!

Want a coaching call? Schedule with Kari below!



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Want to talk? Kari’s coaching will help you combat overwhelm and exhaustion to design a life you love through faith, self care, holistic health and habits you love! for a connection call to see if coaching with Kari is a good fit for you!