Previous Episode: A Sixth Taste?
Next Episode: Functional Medicine

Happy New Year 2021 with Roy and Terry


Roy - Feeding Fatty (00:03):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. I'm Roy Carey. We want to welcome everybody to 2021. And, um, I finally got my co-host back here where she's on a continent where she has some internet access funds

Terry - Feeding Fatty (00:19):

A little bit, just a little bit here. Oh, welcome back. Thank you. Three weeks is a long time. Yeah,

Roy - Feeding Fatty (00:26):

It is. And then before that it was before Thanksgiving when we were gone. So it's been, it's probably been two and a half months since we've actually, um, actually recorded anything between the two of us. We've had some awesome guests in the meantime, and we've got, uh, you know, a slate of other awesome guests that are upcoming as well. So we also like to just say, thanks for everybody that's tuned in and listened to the show. You know, we started this in what, October, mid October of 2020. And we're just trying to learn our way as far as, um, you know, get some of the better guests and also marketing and getting it out in front of people. So please don't hesitate to share caring is sharing and, uh, you know, help us to get some more listeners we would certainly appreciate.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (01:18):

Oh yeah, that'd be great. I don't know. W w we went, where did we go in November? We went to Mexico and November,

Roy - Feeding Fatty (01:26):

And we had the best of intentions to record while we were down there. But again, we had some really crummy internet and then we were, uh, you know, even prior to that, Terry had had some issues with her mom's health that she had been out of pocket for about three weeks prior to us leaving. And then when we came back, she had to get prepared and got to go take a fabulous trip with her daughter to Hawaii for three weeks. So, yeah,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (01:54):

And I left her there. She's still there. Oh my gosh. It was awesome.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (01:59):

The good news is me and the dogs did survive.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (02:02):

Everybody was still breathing when I got back, no vet bills or emergency room bills. So we consider that a success, right. Fridges bear, but we have to have to restock it.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (02:17):

Yeah. And you know, that's the, uh, the, uh, funny thing is that, um, uh, you know, today it's been a beautiful day where we're at, we got to get out and walk and just kind of wanted to talk a little bit about that. The, um, you know, one thing we have to remind ourselves quite a bit is just to, you know, be nice to yourself. We came through the holidays, it's hard to be on diets, people don't, or I don't want to say that it's hard to be on an eating plan. That's healthy. People tend to chastise you and not have respect for you. And it's just difficult. So what we need to do is, um, you know, I think it's just take a positive attitude and say, we've made it through the damages done. We're not going to live in the rear view mirror. We're going to look out the front, the windshield where we're going. And, uh, you know, let's, uh, let's get moving for 2021 the new year.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (03:12):

That's right. And it's hard. It's hard to stay on a meal plan with all these things going on. I mean, three and three months, you know, everything just kind of adds up real quick. And, um, I got to tell you, I ate my way through Hawaii. I did. I ate poker everything. Oh my gosh, it was good.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (03:34):

And brought home Mr. Mack and name you duct that they grew the last year

Terry - Feeding Fatty (03:39):

And it was chocolate and coffee.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (03:43):

So we're going to try to work through that, but, you know, it's hard and that's part of the fun of getting to go to new places, trying the food and all of that. So that's why I'm saying, you know, what things happen, uh, all we can do is pick ourself up and we'll get started. And, you know, I didn't, I'll be honest and say, I didn't have the best of, uh, the best time, you know, because it's hard just cooking. I'm not a good cook and it's hard cooking for one. And then it's easier just to go pick up something. So anyway, I've had, uh, you know, the last few months hasn't been that, that great. So, you know, we're all looking for, uh, kind of get to a fresh start, kind of get back into a routine where we can cook, be healthy, you know, and have the kind of things around the house in which we need to have, which is it's important for us. I know that if we don't have stuff around here, if we have bad things here, we'll tend to eat that or, you know, run, get something

Terry - Feeding Fatty (04:41):

And need more. Right. You can't just have a little bit, you get to eat the whole thing. Oh my gosh.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (04:47):

Right, exactly. So let's just talk a little bit about, um, you know, setting goals and a good thing to do is, you know, a go is w what is it, if you don't put a time limit on, and it's just a dream. So let's really think about some goals that we can set. And, you know, it's funny cause, uh, this that's what we went through this morning. We sat down and talked about some of our major goals for 2021, you know, not only with the show and the guests, but so, you know, some of our personal goals that we want to achieve on some other projects that we have going on. And, um, you know, we set some time limits of what we want to do when we want to do it. So, uh, but you know, kind of the other part of that is again, be kind to yourself and let's manage expectations because, um, we can achieve anything within reason that we really want to, but you know, if you want to lose, uh, you know, 50 pounds this year, you can't say, well, I'm going to do it in, uh, by the end of February and expect that you, that you will be successful.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (05:58):

So, you know, look at what, you know, I don't know what they say. The average is, you know, one to two pounds a week, something like that. It's always good to consult with your doctor and let them help you with making that determination when you set your goals, but, um, you know, be reasonable in what you expect to do. And then I think the other important part is, um, goals are useless if you don't have an action plan because I can want to lose, I can want to lose weight. And if my action plan is to are, if I don't have an action plan and I sit around eating some popcorn, watching TV all the time, then of course not going to achieve. And so, uh, you know, what, what is your action plan? Some things that we talked about this morning, again, eating right, you know, having, uh, healthy food, which, you know, includes our vegetables, fish, um, all that, again, trying to stay away from the takeout and from

Terry - Feeding Fatty (07:01):

In general, no, just no packaged anything. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (07:04):

I, to stay away from the packaged foods and, you know, get back to cooking a little bit more and, uh, drinking our water, you know, our eight glasses of water, trying to get some exercise. Uh, like I said, it was beautiful. We actually took two. Uh, well, the first one, I guess today is about 15 minute walk. And then the second one was probably 30, 45 minutes, just got out with the dogs, took them around. And, um, you know, again, it's just a, the beginning of January, so we're not going to be that lucky for the next two months, uh, for sure. And depending on where you live and where you're listening, you know, you could be in the midst of winter, but there's a lot of things to do. Uh, you know, some gym memberships are very reasonable that you can get out. Of course we have to watch for COVID. I think the gym we go to, um, they've done an awesome job with, uh, distancing at, on the equipment, having sanitation stations where people can spray stuff down. So I, I haven't been that worried, uh, being in their house.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (08:09):

No, I mean, I, I felt pretty, I felt pretty good about going and walking and, and doing the weight machines and all that. I mean, I felt pretty good and I feel like they're keeping it as clean as they can. Yeah,

Roy - Feeding Fatty (08:24):

Yeah, yeah. And they've limited the, um, occupancy. I think that after the new year, of course you mentioned yesterday that we'll probably see, you know, a lot more people at the gym, everybody wanting to get a fresh start. So that's, that's the only thing that really has, uh, you know, kind of bothered me when we go is just when, uh, back, when we get into the more in the weight section, when people walk into close to us and being all kind of up in your space. So, uh, you know, if you do choose to go to a gym, just careful choose the right one. And, um, you know, I think that while we always talk about the, um, you know, uh, the diet is probably 75 to 80% of achieving some weight loss goals. It's still, for me, I need the exercise to stretch and, uh, to it kind of shapes my body, um, a lot faster than if I don't have the exercise, but, you know, I need the exercise to try to lower the blood pressure.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (09:26):

And then also it helps me on my, um, controlling my diabetes that are my, you know, blood glucose anyway, that I know when I walk, um, it just tends to, um, tends to measure a lot lower. So that's one reason why I am, you know, kind of on the exercise kick or, you know, want to get out and get active. But I know that it's hard, but there's a lot of great videos that I've noticed, uh, you know, on, um, Instagram, YouTube. So if you want to do something indoors, there's a lot of easy things that don't have to be strenuous or stressful that you can do.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (10:10):

Yeah. Um, I mean, a lot just like today, just that 15 minute walk. That was a no, I mean, I could've very easily just gone back to sleep. I'm still messed up on my time zones. I'm gonna, I'm gonna use that excuse for awhile. I don't know what it was before just died, but, uh, yeah, just that, that short walk, I mean, that, that just makes all the difference. Just getting your move in, helping mentally as well as physically, you know, just letting you kind of reflect and

Roy - Feeding Fatty (10:42):

Yeah. Yeah. We got to, we did some work. We went for a walk, did some work and then, uh, got back out there again. I think that second time it was it's much better. We, you know, had gotten some stuff accomplished and, uh, you know, I just felt like I had a big smile on my face because we got some stuff done and we were able to get out and walk and it just feels like things are, you know, clicking whenever you can get all that, get that in.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (11:09):

Yeah. It was kind of, kind of a nice little wrap up of the day. And I mean, I know we'll still do more stuff, but it was nice to be able to have that, have that time and check everything out.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (11:25):

Yeah. Yeah. After being gone for a few weeks, walk around the neighborhood and see what's changed. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So anyway, just think about what you need to do and what you want to do. Uh, like I said, ours is a fairly simple, we stayed to the basics. We just want to have a, you know, a well-balanced we want to eat. Right. Um, try to eat before, you know, around six. O'clock not wait till, um, waiting late to the night. I know that's a, I know that's something that you kind of got into the habit of why you were gone.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (12:00):

My daughter, she eats it, you know, not before eight o'clock and sometimes 10 o'clock, you know, we just ate late.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (12:08):

Yeah. And that really hurts me personally, just because of the, you know, sleeping on it. But also the, it tends to drive up my, my glucose when I eat too much, too late in our are unable to walk it off. So, you know, but it works for some people she's skinny as a rail. I think it just depends on your activity level, what you have going on and what you want to accomplish. But I know that's something for me that, uh, you know, we try to eat early, try to get back on a good schedule and get our sleep because we have both been, uh, way off of that schedule. So trying to get that eight hours of sleep, uh, drinking our water. And then, like I said, you know, a little bit of exercise, um, uh, you know, I feel like I need to do some weights, not heavy, not trying to bulk up or anything, but it just helps me to stretch.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (13:02):

And, uh, you know, it just helps me to feel better about myself that I'm doing some things. So I think everybody has to look at that. You know, my recommendation is everybody talk to your doctor. Don't just set out on a new plan, uh, without consulting a physician and don't get yourself in trouble or hurt yourself, or, you know, make yourself sick by doing anything crazy. It's it, to me, it's all in moderation. That's what we tend to, to be able to stick with is when we, uh, when we're not doing things to the extreme nature, I guess.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (13:37):

Right. And I mean, just consult with the professionals, the physician, um, the, the fitness experts, things like just make sure that you're doing it as best you can, you know, the best way that you can, the correct way, any way that you're supposed to. So you don't hurt yourself. Feel, I feel my age when I start, you know, I started hurting myself all the time. That's just, I'm a collect anyway. But, um, I just want to make sure that I'm doing it the right way. And, and you, you know, I mean, you, you let me know because he's my professional.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (14:14):

Well, that's one thing I talk, we talk about when we go to the gym, it's just not, you know, trying to overdo it. It's about, uh, you know, it was kind of funny while we were walking. I was thinking that, um, it's nice to get out and move and all that. There's a lot of benefits, but the other thing is that if I'm out moving and doing something, I'm not sitting in front of the TV eating or driving through a drive-through. So those are always the benefits and, you know, kind of the same way about going to the gym. We want to maximize our efforts of course, but we don't want to overdo it where we hurt ourselves. And so just pacing yourself, taking easy, uh, you know, not getting too heavy for us on the weights. Anyway. That's always been the best. And, um, but it's exciting. So what we wanted to do, and I think, uh, you know, unless you have anything else, what, what was that recipe that you were,

Terry - Feeding Fatty (15:06):

No, I was looking up some new thing, you know, I'm just tired. I'm tired of the same old thing, even though I've eaten my way through Hawaii, you know, just tired. I get in the habit of just making the same old thing for, for dinner. Um, and so I was looking up some recipes and I found one, um, orange beef and beans, or there's a broccoli and beef also, but they're both, uh, they're both under the taste of home, uh, dot com recipes and they're diabetes friendly, you know? So there's not, not carb. No, it's not carb heavy at all. I mean, 16 carbs. It's 210 calories. Okay. Kicked in to saturated fat. So that's not bad at all.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (15:53):

Yeah. And that brings up another thing I know that you always talk about, um, because, you know, to be honest, she does most of the cooking and meal prep. I try to help out when I can, but it falls mostly to Terry. And so, um, the planning, I know that that's very important for her. Not only just to, you know, have an idea, so it's not five 30 and we're trying to figure out, okay, what are we going to have today, but also where we can have the ingredients to make it the way it needs to be made.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (16:26):

And it doesn't take that. I mean, one, you know, if you have everything, it doesn't take that long to do it. It's just, you know, the prepping for it, cutting everything up and getting it all ready to put in there. It just, it shouldn't take that long if I don't have a plan. I mean, it takes, it seemed, drought draws out into like two hours long and I'm still don't have anything to eat. Right.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (16:50):

Yeah. And that's one thing that we, I find myself if we don't, if we're not on our schedule and, you know, we get some lag time between being hungry and finally eating, you know, that's when we tend to go seek out other things that we shouldn't. Yeah.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (17:05):

No snack before dinner have a little appetizer of whatever. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (17:12):

All right. Well, anyway, yeah. So just, uh, you know, take some time on Sunday afternoon to sit down and think about, you know, what you're going to have, make sure you have everything at the grocery store. I think it makes, uh, it makes the meal prep go so much easier and so better through the week. So, yeah. And we'll try to, you know, get, we were sharing some recipes there for a while. We'll try to do better. You know, we've been also, um, uh, posting some curated articles from other sites, just trying to deliver as much information. Um, you know, we do try to check them out and make sure they're reputable sites and that they're saying reputable things, please just understand that, uh, you know, everybody needs to check everything out for themselves and, and do what's right for them. Don't just take our word for it. Right, right. Yeah. You know, and then like we always say is consult your medical professionals, um, before you do anything or start anything. So yeah. All right. Well again, happy new year to everybody and thanks for

Terry - Feeding Fatty (18:14):

2021 and give back to 2020, my goodness. What a year we've had.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (18:22):

Yeah. It's been something. So, um, uh, I'm sorry. I interrupted. No, no. I was just thinking, uh, you know, we've got, uh, uh, trying to think of when this may come out. I may just go ahead and post it here in a little bit, but, um, we've got a great, um, uh, guest, our friend, Dr. Nicole is back with us and she's going to be talking about the sixth tastes that I think there are five confirmed taste and I wish I could remember what they all are, but there's, you don't know.

Terry - Feeding Fatty (18:57):

Yeah. He put me on the spot or something blank.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (19:01):


Terry - Feeding Fatty (19:02):

Edamame, umami, umami is one.

Roy - Feeding Fatty (19:04):

The last one I know is a, the six one that they're talking about and done some research in that fats. Yeah. So anyway, it's, it's interesting to listen to her, talk about, um, you know, maybe the, some research that's gone into this, so be sure and tune in that episode will come out, uh, on Tuesday, which will be, uh, January 5th. So we'll be looking for that. And again, show ideas. We're always open. We've got a Facebook group. We would really like to, you know, get some discussion started in there. So go over to, uh, uh, feeding fatty on the Facebook group and let's start a conversation and, uh, see if we can make this the best year in a while. Well, B is going started off. Awesome. I can't complain at all. So our ride until next time I'm Roy y'all take care of each other. Thank you.