Eddy LIVE Podcast (ELP) artwork

Eddy LIVE Podcast (ELP)

252 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago -

(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people!

To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago.

Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant.

I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too!

From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTubers to Soccer Coaches, we love a good story!

Eddy LIVE is a platform for you, the viewers to meet other cool people out here in Taiwan and Asia doing amazing things.

Eddy LIVE is the platform for you to share your Taiwan or Asia story with the world!

Please share the Podcast and subscribe to our channel if you enjoyed the show. 


P.S. If you are ever around, swing by and catch a show live!






Eddy LIVE是一個很酷的平台,它讓你和我的觀眾能間接認識在台灣和亞洲發生的各個有趣事情的人。

Eddy LIVE是一個分享你的台灣或亞洲故事給全世界的平台!




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Eddy LIVE Show, #52, Marshall Stamper, 10th Planet Jujitsu/Podcaster

October 13, 2020 09:43 - 1 hour - 134 MB

When you think of #nogi jujitsu, you think of #eddiebravo and #10thplanetjujitsu. Marshall Stamper is one of only two Jujitsu fighters in #taiwan (that i know of) that are of 10th Planet lineage. Marshal also has his own podcast, Tales of Macaque where he also interviews people of all types and shares his story of his life in Taiwan. On this episode, we will talk about Jujitsu, MMA, Podcasting, Taiwan and more so grab a pint or a cup of coffee and join us. We will be checking comm...

Eddy LIVE Show, #51, Zeda Zhang, Pro Wrestler

September 24, 2020 13:32 - 2 hours - 176 MB

#ZedaZhang is a woman of firsts! #ZedaZhang 是職業女子摔角手的先驅! She’s the first Asian American women wrestler in the #WWE, the first Asian American wrestler to wrestle all over Asia, and the first woman to be signed in #MajorLeagueWrestling! 她是第一位與WWE簽約的亞裔女子選手,第一位稱霸亞洲的亞裔美國摔角手,更是第一位與職業摔跤聯盟 Major League Wrestling簽約的女子選手! Truly a pioneer for Asian Americans and women everywhere! 她不僅是亞裔美國摔角手的傳奇,也成為全球女性的表率! We are lucky to have her while she is in #Taiwan to share her story with us on #eddyli...

Eddy LIVE Show #50, Juan Pina, Mariachi/Musician

September 17, 2020 09:50 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Juan Pina is a true OG in the #Mariachi game! Juan是一位相當老派的#Mariachi 藝人! His father was a musician and he was raised by musicians in California! 他的父親就是一位音樂家,他自小便在加州受到音樂家的薰陶成長! Juan is a good friend of #eddylive and we wanted to celebrate Mexican Independance day by bringing on the best Mariachi on the island! 他一直都是#eddylive 的忠實觀眾同時也是我們的老朋友,為了慶祝墨西哥獨立紀念日,我們也將邀請他帶來最棒的Mariachi表演! Tonight we will chat about #mexico #taiwan our culture and what it means to be a Mariachi in Taiwan. 今晚跟我們...

Eddy LIVE Show #49, Elias Ek, Author, Entrepreneur

September 10, 2020 13:41 - 2 hours - 114 MB

Calling all Entrepreneurs in Taiwan! 全台灣的創業家都看過來! Elias Ek is an author, entrepreneur, consultant, event organizer and more! Elias不僅是一位作家、同時還身兼企業家、顧問、活動企劃...等等職務! "How to Start a Business in Taiwan" is one of the best known books for foreign entrepreneurs to learn the in and outs of how to do it here in Taiwan. 「How to Start a Business in Taiwan」是一本針對在台灣創業或投資台灣的外國人的創業指南書 Elias is also the founder of Enspye, a B2B services firm in Taiwan. Elias同時也是Enspyre安石國際商務的創辦人,長期在台灣提供B2B行銷服務 ...

Eddy LIVE Show #48, 莊荃勝 Chan

September 03, 2020 09:44 - 1 hour - 55.9 MB

Chan is an MMA Fighter from Taiwan who is fighting in the Co-main event of this months WOTD live MMA card. 莊荃勝是一位台灣的MMA選手,他也將出賽這個月的WOTD,讓人引頸期盼 #WOTD Way of the Dragon is an MMA association in #Taiwan that promotes local and international fighters however due to covid this event will give the local fighters their time to shine bright! #WOTD 是台灣的綜合格鬥組織,舉辦過各式各樣的格鬥技擊賽事,吸引國內外的職業/業餘好手參賽,今年受疫情關係有不少國外選手的時程受到影響,但是台灣的選手還是持續在擂台上發光發熱! Join us while we learn the story of Chan, one of Taiwan's ...

Eddy LIVE Show #47 Jordan Parker, Tennis Player

August 27, 2020 06:29 - 1 hour - 89.6 MB

Jordan is one of Taiwan's top up and coming Tennis players. Jordan是一位才華洋溢的網球選手 She recently competedin a doubles tournament and placed 2nd for her age group. 她近期才結束雙打比賽並在她的年齡組裡榮獲第二名的好成績 Check out the story behind #Jordanparker tonight on #eddylive while we munch on some wings. #taiwantennis 來跟我們一起吃雞翅,並聽 #Jordanparker 分享她的故事 Don't forget to subscribe to the channel. www.eddy.live 別忘了訂閱我們的頻道:www.eddy.live Follow Jordan on her journey, www.instagram.com/pink_lady_9487 追蹤Jordan的I...

Eddy LIVE Show #46, Prashantha Lachanna, Raw Vegan Chef

August 20, 2020 07:32 - 2 hours - 167 MB

Prashantha Lachanna is a Vegan chef that specializes in #rawvegan foods. Prashantha Lachanna是一位蔬食主廚,她專門製作人氣話題 #生機素食 的餐點 She is able to take amazing and healthy plant based ingredients and turn them into almost anything that you can imagine like "Buttercream chocolate icing out of Avocados?! 她除了擅長用鮮蔬食材製作出美味又健康的餐點之外,還能將純素食材製作成各種你無法想像的美味甜點,像是利用酪梨製作成的巧克力蛋糕?! (#RawFood #裸食 :也稱做生機素食,基本上以天然原型食物為主,不烹煮、不吃肉) I have no idea how that is even possible, let's find out together while we interview...

Eddy LIVE Show #45, Benji Wang 班傑, Actor/Model

August 13, 2020 06:43 - 1 hour - 123 MB

#benjiwang is quite a well known Actor and model in Taiwan, however in the last few years Benji has expanded his repertoire into content creating, writing, vlogging and more! 班傑在台灣演藝圈相當有名,他是模特兒同時也是演員,但你可能不知道的是,班傑在最近這幾年也積極的創作自己的作品,無論是拍影片、寫作、拍VLOG,都讓我們看到他的另一面! Tonight we were able to get Benji #班傑 on the show to share his story with everyone and to give his advice for those wanting to follow a similar path. 今晚我們將邀請到他本人參加直播,請他分享他的故事讓你知道 如果有人想要走跟他一樣的職業,也可以參考一下喔! Join us while we chat, ...

Eddy LIVE Show #43, Gaia Hox, Pro Wrestler

August 06, 2020 09:55 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Wrestling fans rejoice! 摔角粉站出來! Gaia Hox is one of Taiwan's best up and coming talents and he joins us tonight on the #eddylive show! Gaia Hox是一位相當有才華的台灣摔角新星,他要來參加我們今晚的 艾迪直播秀!#eddylive #gaiahox will tell us about his journey in #taiwan as a young man in the local sports entertainment world. Gaia要來跟我們分享他闖蕩娛樂體育界的經過 Join us and bring your questions. While Eddy and Gaia enjoy some wings and great conversation. Eddy 跟Gaia會一邊吃超辣雞翅一邊對談,有想知道的事歡迎留言提問~ Don't forget to subscribe to the sho...

Eddy LIVE Show #43, Maria Morris, MMA Fighter

July 30, 2020 07:27 - 1 hour - 60.2 MB

Have you ever wanted to just drop everything and just take a shot at your dreams? 你可曾想過想拋下一切 放手追逐夢想? Many of us have thought about it, but then after a few beers and a weekend out we head back to work on Monday. 很多人都想實踐自己的夢想,但找朋友喝個幾杯 一個禮拜過去了 終究還是又回去上班 迷失在這個社會... However, we never stop thinking, what if… 我們忍不住一直在想「如果我可以...就好了」 Maria Morris did just that! Maria Morris做到了! She had a very successful teaching career and recently decided to drop it all and go for her dream, to become...

Eddy LIVE Show #42, Danny Deysher, Trumpet Musician

July 23, 2020 11:16 - 2 hours - 98.1 MB

Danny Deysher is a trumpet musician that has had the amazing experience of playing music all over the world along side some of the biggest names in the industry. Danny Deysher是一位資歷相當精彩豐富的小號演奏家,曾在世界各地演出,與知名的音樂家、樂團一起工作 #dannydeysher currently plays with #jaychou all over the world and some of the musicians on his resume include Jay Chou, Tom Jones, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Wu Bai and China Blue and more! #dannydeysher 最近才和 #周杰倫 一起在世界各地合作演出,其他知名合作對象還有包括湯姆·瓊斯、誘惑合唱團 (The Temptation...

Eddy LIVE Show #41, Mayur Srivastava, Food Entrepreneur

July 16, 2020 14:50 - 1 hour - 68.8 MB

Mayur Srivastava, founder of the fantastic Mayur Indian Kitchen (MIK) chain joins us to tell us his story. 馬友友(Mayur)是「馬友友印度料理廚房🇮🇳」的創辦人,他要跟我們分享他的故事。 Join us tonight to see how Mayur grew from one restaurant to ten and how he did it! 今晚記得收看直播,一起聽聽馬友友是如何一手打造連鎖餐廳! What inspires Mayur and what are the future plans? 馬友友是受到了什麼樣的啟發? 還有他未來的規劃? 敬請期待~ Also find out if Mayur will be able to finish the gauntlet of spicy wings! 揪~竟,馬友友能否完成超辣雞翅的挑戰呢! Don't forget to subscribe for more storie...

Eddy LIVE Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 40, Edd Black, Vegan Street Chef

July 09, 2020 07:14 - 1 hour - 77.3 MB

【Watch the full video】👉 https://youtu.be/jsMAZbK1XaU 【觀賞完整直播】👉https://youtu.be/jsMAZbK1XaU Edd Black is a #vegan foodie and chef. Edd Black是一位蔬食愛好者,同時也是蔬食主廚 He cooks some of the best Vegan food on the island out of his headquarters in Taichung! 他在台中製作出全台最美味的蔬食料理 Edd has a special talent of making plant based foods look and taste like meat and on this episode he's gonna we gonna be doing hot wings with his special #veganwings! 他的專長是將蔬食料理做出與肉類料理相比毫不遜色的美味,這集直播秀我們也要跟他一起來吃「蔬食雞翅」! Wh...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 39, Louis Yang 楊忠翔 , Food Entrepreneur

July 02, 2020 13:42 - 1 hour - 103 MB

Louis Yang is a young Entrepreneur that started up Louis' Burger a couple of years ago. Louis 相當年輕就創業,他在幾年前開始了Louis Burger這個漢堡品牌 Louis runs a great little #smashburger stand in #tianmu. Louis Burger是在天母小有名氣的漢堡站,最有名的莫過於他們的招牌#smashburger Join us tonight on #eddylive when Louis tells us his the story behind #louisburger while we enjoy some late night super spicy wings! 快加入我們今晚的直播!我們要一邊享用 #超辣雞翅 一邊聽聽#LouisBurger 的美味秘辛! Subscribe to our YouTube channel www.eddy.live 快來訂閱我們的頻道www.eddy.l...

Eddy.LIVE Show, ep 38, Peggy Lee YouTuber/Influencer

June 30, 2020 11:05 - 1 hour - 138 MB

Peggy Lee has one of the longest running Mandarin Teaching YouTube channels out there, #peggyteacheschinese ! Peggy長年經營YouTube頻道專門教外國人中文! #peggyteacheschinese Her amazing smile and charming personality on camera makes gives her videos an extra warm touch and her #streetmandarin interviews are amazing! 她親切的笑容和有趣的個性讓她的影片更加平易近人,還有她的街頭採訪路人的單元都很經典! Join us as Peggy talks about her journey from part time YouTuber to full time YouTuber and how YouTube has allowed her to go full time! #E...

Eddy LIVE Wing Show ep. 37, Jorge Chocano, Dj / Entrepreneur

June 18, 2020 07:35 - 1 hour - 141 MB

Jorge is a long time resident of Taiwan, he has opened restaurants, he Dj's, runs specialty Latino events and even has a long running show on ICRT. Jorge在台灣居住已久,他有開自己的餐廳、做DJ、規劃一些拉丁裔的特別活動,他甚至在ICRT還有主持節目! Jorge joins us today on our #taiwanpodcast to share his stories and experiences in Taiwan. Check out the show live tonight to find out how you can find a little piece of Latino culture in Taiwan. Oh ya, we eating #hotwings as well! 今天Jorge將加入我們的直播秀分享他在台灣多年以來的經歷與故事,快來看看他從拉丁裔的角度是如何看台灣...

Eddy LIVE Show ep. 36, Jack Lee, Food Entrepreneur

June 11, 2020 08:13 - 1 hour - 112 MB

Jack Lee is a food entrepreneur like myself. Jack Lee跟Eddy一樣都是餐飲業的創業家 Tonight we bring in Jack to tell us all about how he completely crushed it during Covid 19 in Taiwan with online sales, a baking store supply and his food company called Feed the Wife. 今晚他要來跟我們聊聊,他是如何在這個疫情肆虐的非常時期,靠線上購物平台販售烘焙點心,突破重圍! 他的店名叫做「胖死我太太」 Specializing in Cinnamon buns and other baked goods, Jack will share his story, struggles and victories. 特別是他的獨家招牌 肉桂捲,和其他甜點...Jack會為我們帶來他的故事,創業以來的甘苦談! Also, we will se...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 35, Gio Ballardo, Mexican Chef

June 04, 2020 06:11 - 1 hour - 125 MB

Do you love Mexican food? 你喜歡墨西哥美食嗎? Of course you do! 墨西哥美食人人都愛! You have probably tried Eddy's Cantina, and we thank you for that, but what if you are in downtown Taipei and you get a craving for some Comida Mexicana (Mexican food)? 你可能已經吃過艾迪墨西哥餐廳(還沒吃過的快點來~) 但如果你人在台北市中心,剛好又想吃點墨西哥料理,你知道要去哪嗎? Meet Gio Ballardo, Head Chef of Teotihuacan Mexican restaurant! 來認識Gio Ballardo! 他是墨西哥餐廳「Teotihuacan」的主廚! Gio is a seasoned Mexican chef with years of experience and a good friend of mine...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 34, Jim Sung Beer Entrepreneur 吉姆老爹精釀啤酒創辦人

May 29, 2020 10:33 - 1 hour - 128 MB

Do you like beer? 你喜歡啤酒嗎? Craft beer? What about Local Craft beer? 你喜歡哪種呢? 生啤酒? 在地精釀啤酒? If you answered YES to any or all of these questions, you will love tonight's guest? 如果這些你都超愛,那你絕對不能錯過今晚的來賓 Jim Sung is the founder and head brewer of the famous local ILAN brewery, Jim n Dad's Brew company. Jim Sung是在地品牌「J&D 吉姆老爹精釀啤酒」的創辦人,從宜蘭開業多年來擁有眾多粉絲 Jim has recently launched a podcast to try to gather the brewer/brewery community and he has been brewing his fine line of beer for quite a ...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 33, Francis Beauvais, Entrepreneur

May 21, 2020 09:41 - 1 hour - 73.1 MB

What do you get when you combine Gordon Ramsey and Matt Serra then you give him a French Canadian twist? 將名廚戈登拉姆齊和格鬥家Matt Serra融合起來除以二!等於今晚的來賓Francis Beavais! You get tonights guest. Francis Beavais is a long time restaurant owner, who you may know from Le Rouge, Cubano or now his latest creation, Ruban. 他長年經營餐廳,有一些餐廳你可能有聽說過,「紅盒子LE ROUGE」、「Cubano」還有近期新開的「Ruban Bistro」。 Chef Francis is known for his delicious made from scratch dishes that are handcrafted, created and finished by ou...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 32, Jenny Huang 黃偵玲, Pro MMA Fighter

May 14, 2020 08:04 - 1 hour - 80.2 MB

(中文直播) Jenny Huang is Taiwan's first ever Professional women's MMA fighter. 黃偵玲是台灣第一位女子職業MMA格鬥家! Jenny fights in ONE Championship which is the top MMA organization in the world along with the UFC. 她所參加的比賽 ONE Championship是亞洲最大的綜合格鬥運動賽事,和UFC齊名! Lady Gogo made Taiwanese history again on Mar / 11 / 2017 when she was the first Taiwanese fighter to fight for a level world Championship! 黃偵玲曾經在2017年3月11號挑戰過世界冠軍,讓台灣的格鬥歷史邁入新的一步! Along with being a pioneer in the MMA world, Jenny is also a...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 31, Victor Keril 韋喆, Musician

May 08, 2020 07:09 - 1 hour - 125 MB

Victor is a lifelong musician that has made the jump to singing in Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan, 你聽過他唱歌嗎? 韋喆是個資深的歌手,來台發展多年連中文歌都很上手! tonight we will have 韋喆 on the show with us to talk about his inspirations, 今晚我們邀請他來聊聊他的音樂之路, difficulties and triumphs in the music business both in Taiwan and in his country. 背井離鄉來到台灣發展音樂事業,從小型表演、到參加聲林之王,一路上體會到的辛苦與成就 You may have seen Mr. Keril on one of his many appearances on local talk shows or singing competitions, so grab a seat and join us while...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 30, Bruno "Buakaw" Silva dos Santos

April 30, 2020 06:33 - 1 hour - 132 MB

Bruno is a Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Boxing, Kickboxing and MMA coach. Bruno是一位泰拳/ 柔道/ 自由搏擊/ 綜合格鬥教練 Coming from the rich culture of Brazil, Bruno makes his way onto the Hot Wings Show representing Rio de Janeiro. 來自富饒文化的巴西,他將代表里約熱內盧挑戰我們的超辣雞翅! On tonight's show Bruno shares his story, his ups, his downs and all the inbetweens. He's trained for battle on the feet or on the ground, but is he ready for the Suicide wings? Lets find out! 在今晚的直播秀中,Bruno將為我們帶來他的故事,在人生中的高低潮。 他長年進行各種武術訓練,可他有辦法吃完...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 29, Duncan Hiro 邢宏, MMA Fighter/Coach

April 29, 2020 07:35 - 1 hour - 125 MB

Duncan Hiro is a local Taiwanese fighter that has traveled all over Asia to fight in MMA, Kickboxing and Muay Thai competitions. Duncan Hiro 邢宏是一位來自台灣的格鬥選手,從跆拳道黑帶,到在亞洲各地參加MMA、自由搏擊、以及泰拳比賽累積實力 He is the 2019 Pattaya Muay Thai Super-cup Champion and he both coaches and trains at the UFC gym in Taiwan. 他在2019年Pattaya 泰拳比賽贏得冠軍,在台灣的UFC gym進行訓練的同時也有做教練 Will this Heavyweight champ be able to finish the Hot Wing Challenge? 這位重量級的冠軍有沒有辦法吃完我們的超辣雞翅呢? His goal is to finish the challenge withou...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 28, Jo Tsen Gonzalez, Entrepreneur

April 23, 2020 07:22 - 53 minutes - 73.7 MB

Jo is a long time Restaurateur in Taiwan and the Co-Founder of #tianmu very own, Eddy's Cantina. Jo在台灣長期經營餐廳,同時也是天母知名的艾迪墨西哥餐廳的合作創辦人。 Jo will tell her stories of the ups and downs of building a small business, where they've had to grow and shrink multiple times from Tamsui to Tianmu. 她即將跟大家分享她是如何從淡水老街的一個小攤位開始,到在天母經營一間餐廳的甘苦歷程。 Join us and get your restaurant questions ready while we launch a new beer at Eddy's and enjoy some famous wings. 快來一起觀看我們的直播影片,對餐廳有什麼想提問的話不妨留言告訴我們! 我們要暢飲新進的...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 27, Patrick Brasca 派偉俊

April 17, 2020 13:01 - 59 minutes - 81.3 MB

Patrick Brasca is a young and upcoming musician that has been in the game for over a decade! 派偉俊是一位相當年輕又有才華的流行音樂創作人! 他從事這一行已經有十年了! Despite his young age, his experience saw him able to tour Asia and collaborate with other legendary musicians like Jay Chou! 儘管他還相當年輕,他已經具備放眼整個亞洲的實力,有很多和其他傳奇音樂人一起合作的經歷,像是周杰倫! Eddy has known Patrick for most of his life starting back in the Tamsui days. Tonight, we get to chat with Patrick while we eat our spicy wings! Eddy從還在淡水開業做攤販的時期就認識派偉俊,今晚我們要和他一邊...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 25, Aaliyah Gonzalez, Video Game Streamer

April 17, 2020 05:14 - 1 hour - 95.2 MB

Aaliyah Gonzalez is an 8 year old mixed Taiwanese / (Mexican) Canadian girl who is fluent in both English and Mandarin. Aaliyah Gonzalez是一個八歲大的台灣/加拿大(墨西哥裔)混血女孩,會說流利的英文和中文。 She has been wanting to launch her own video game streaming channel for a very long time! So today is that day! 她一直都很想要開設一個屬於自己的頻道,我們今天就來試試看吧! However Dad is gonna take her through a few of the old school games that he grew up playing, so watch out for Aaliyah's reviews. 她的爸爸Eddy要先帶她玩一遍自己童年時期最愛的經典電玩,不知道她會有什麼反應~ ...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 26, Russmann Jaimes

April 10, 2020 13:30 - 55 minutes - 75.6 MB

Russmann Jaimes is an entrepreneur, a teacher, a vegetarian, a boss, a public speaker and a massive WWE fan! Russmann除了是一位創業家/ 教師/ 素食者/ 老闆/ 演說家 更是MMA狂粉! It's a pleasure to have a fellow Latino entrepreneur on the show! 我很榮幸能邀請到這位優秀的拉丁裔創業家來到我們節目! We will dive deep into education in Taiwan, entrepreneurship and of course Hot CAULIFLOWER Wings! 我們會深入聊到台灣的教育環境與創業歷程,同時也要讓他嚐嚐我們的香酥花椰菜,淋上獨門辣醬! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE: 別忘了訂閱我們: YouTube: www.Eddy.live Podcast: www.Eddy...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 24, Brandon O'Neal, Influencer

March 26, 2020 07:54 - 1 hour - 157 MB

Brandon O'Neal is a local Tianmu resident, born and raised that in the past few years has become an influencer on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram as well as an actor, voice actor and comedian. Brandon在天母土生土長,是近年來活躍於FB、IG、YouTube的網紅,另外他同時也是演員/配音員/喜劇演員 His hilarious Taiwanese videos really hit home to those of us that live in Taiwan and to Taiwanese that live abroad! 他用台語創作的短片超級搞笑!讓許多在台外國人和海外的台灣人觀眾為之著迷! 相當接地氣又有個人特色! Tonight, during this crazy Corona virus time in our lives, we get to...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 23, Kevin Weng CPA 翁維陽

March 19, 2020 05:08 - 1 hour - 143 MB

Kevin Weng is an fluent English speaking Taiwanese and American accountant. Kevin是一個精通英文的台灣人,他在美國和台灣都有自己的會計事務所 The question that I always get asked first as a business owner is 創業以來我經常被問到的問題就是: "Do you know any English speaking accountants that can handle my case?" 「你有認識會英文的會計師可以處理我的財務嗎?」 The answer is always YES I have just the guy you are looking for! 當然了! Kevin就是你們找尋已久的救星! Let me introduce you to the man that can handle it for you in BOTH Taiwan and the USA! 請讓我介紹這一位會計師...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 ep. 22, David Chen陳威宇

March 16, 2020 09:39 - 1 hour - 138 MB

David Chen is the marketing manager for the UFC gyms in Taiwan and is a big part of promoting the UFC and the sport of MMA in Taiwan. 陳威宇是台灣UFC gym的經營人,他一直以來都致力於在台推廣UFC和綜合格鬥MMA這項運動。 He also trains and fights for in local events in Taiwan and abroad. 他同時也有在海內外參加比賽與進行訓練。 Join us as we get to see if David can finish the Gauntlet of Hot wings LIVE at Eddy's Cantina in Tianmu, Taipei, Taiwan! 來看看他能否完成我們的超辣雞翅挑戰! 你最喜歡的直播秀就在艾迪墨西哥餐廳! Check out the UFC gym for yourself! 來看看他們的UFC gym都在做什...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Enrico Negrini

March 03, 2020 05:07 - 1 hour - 215 MB

Mama Mia it's Enrico from Divino! Love Italian food? Well this Italian master-chef makes all of his food from scratch at his restaurants. You will probably catch him in the kitchen of one of his restaurants, Divino, FoCoSo or the newly opened, Divino Enoteca in Tianmu! Enrico is a seasoned chef, wine expert and overall fantastic person! Join us as we interview the owner of Tianmu's newest hotspot while we drink wine and go through the Hot Wing Gauntlet! Divino: https://www.faceboo...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Matt King

February 27, 2020 07:29 - 1 hour - 267 MB

Our Guest Today is a teacher, an artist, an animal lover and he makes the coolest mugs in town! He is the Artistic Director for Cloud Forest Collective in Yangmingshan. You can find more information about the studio at www.cloudforestcollective.com Very excited to have my bro Matt King with me live on the show where we talk about life, love and UFC! Join us tonight to see if Matt can finish the gauntlet of wings Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on Social and our Podcast Page!...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 John Murn

February 20, 2020 08:17 - 1 hour - 228 MB

Calling all foreigners in Taiwan! Did you ever wish that there was a better way to search for jobs in Taiwan? What about if you DON'T wanna teach English? John Murn saw this problem and did something about it! John, the Founder of All Hands Taiwan will join us on the show to discuss All Hands and many other things. Will he finish the gauntlet of spice or will he head back to the drawing board? Let's find out! Don't forget to follow All Hands Taiwan as well: FB: https://www.facebo...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Wu Chiao Chen 吳巧貞

February 13, 2020 04:51 - 1 hour - 181 MB

Wu Chiao Chen is a Taiwanese woman who loves MMA! In fact she is one of the first Taiwanese fighters to sign with Asia's most prestigious fighting organization, ONE Championship! 吳巧貞是一位全心投入綜合格鬥的女孩! 同時她也是台灣第一位被職業武術聯盟ONE冠軍賽簽約的格鬥家! Chiao Chen is a few weeks out of her ONE debut and she's ready to conquer Asia and show what Taiwanese can do! 雖然才剛踏入職業賽,但她已經迫不急待向全亞洲證明台灣的實力! Taiwan Jia Yo! 台灣加油! So it's our honor to have her on out Podcast to talk about the fight and to make her sweat wit...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Jonny Rigby

February 06, 2020 09:14 - 1 hour - 212 MB

Jonny is a certified Football (Soccer) Coach and is one of the main coaches in the Master Football Academy in Taiwan! Despite his young age Jonny has a wealth of experience in coaching Football! We will talk his philosophies when coaching different age groups and also what he left behind in the UK to make the trip to Taiwan! Can Jonny finish our gauntlet of hot wings? Let's find out! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on Social and our Podcast Page! 別忘了訂閱Eddy LIVE的頻道+分享喔! Podc...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Brandon Maguire

January 31, 2020 06:44 - 1 hour - 160 MB

History Teacher, Avid Golfer, Coach, Sports Enthusiast, good beer fan and ong time resident of Taiwan. Brandon Maguire joins us today on this special CNY early edition. Brandon shares stories of his previous international school experiences in Honduras and Kuwait. How do they compare to Taiwan? Can he make it through the gauntlet? Lets find out! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on Social! YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.liv...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Stewart Glen

January 20, 2020 09:38 - 2 hours - 119 MB

Ever wondered what it takes to be an actor in Taiwan? Have you ever wanted to start your own business like an online school? Or maybe you love jumping online to chat about your favorite movies or restaurants in Taiwan? Well Stewart Glen can help ya with that, in fact the reason we invited him here today is because hes done all of those things and more in Taiwan! Will he crush the Hot Wings Gauntlet or will he bow out early? Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite So...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Alex Wagner

January 20, 2020 08:05 - 1 hour - 152 MB

Who loves pizza? What's your favorite style? Thin Crust? Thick Crust? Tonight we have Monster Pizza Founder Alex Wagner on the show to tell us what the pizzeria lifestyle is all about! Alex recently won the 2019 Dragon's Den Taiwan contest and provides many of your favorite local bars and pubs with the best frozen pizzas on the planet! How does he do with Spicy food though? Will he survive the gauntlet of wings we have provided for him tonight? Let's find out LIVE at Eddy's Cantin...

Hot Wing Show辣雞翅挑戰秀 Steven Chao 趙偉傑

January 20, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 148 MB

Have you ever wondered what it takes to coach at the top level in a sport? Steven Chao is a Taiwanese-American MMA Striking coach that is only in town for a short time to help train and corner top prospect, Khai Wu. We were lucky enough to steal Steven away for a short amount of time from his busy schedule to get some insider info on what it takes to become a professional athlete, coach and mentor in 2020! What are the plans for the big fight in 1/12? Where does Steven see Taiwan MM...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Khai Wu 吳仲凱

January 20, 2020 07:55 - 1 hour - 144 MB

Love MMA? Ever wonder what it takes to get to the Pro Level? Meet Khai Wu, Professional MMA Fighter, Public Speaker and Hot Wing Lover (of course)! Khai joins the show today to tell us about his road to his upcoming fight, the fight life and what it takes to make it as a professional fighter in Taiwan! Can he take the heat? Let's find out! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Patrick Cheng 鄭翰霖

January 20, 2020 07:49 - 1 hour - 166 MB

Have you ever dreamt of owning your own bar? Perhaps Craft Beer Bar? Well, our guest Patrick Cheng has done just that! Wicked Wolfpack is one of Tianmu's loveliest Craft Beer Bars and Lao-Ban Patrick is gonna tell us all about the ups, downs, and in-betweens of the bar business in Taipei! All of this of course while he sweats it out with our gauntlet of wings LIVE at Eddy's Cantina! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www....

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Kemp Cheng 鄭坎普

January 20, 2020 07:43 - 1 hour - 78.9 MB

你喜歡看綜合格鬥? 我們也是! 你可曾好奇擂台上的裁判有著什麼樣的經歷? MMA裁判鄭坎普要跟我們分享他的故事,他是如何接觸這個業界... 以及,他認為 Khabib vs Tony的比賽誰會獲勝。 這集是中文直播! 敬請期待! 鄭坎普有辦法完成吃辣挑戰嗎? 我們等著看! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.live.tw/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddy.live.tw/

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Brett Tieman

January 20, 2020 07:40 - 1 hour - 164 MB

Co-founder of the 23 brewing company in Taiwan becomes the first brewer to come into the show to tell about his experience with beer in Taiwan. Also, how high will he set the bar for the next brewer that comes onto the show? Will he finish the gauntlet of wings? How much beer is this gonna cost me? Find out NOW! Don't forget to share the video. Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Sam Yarbs

January 20, 2020 07:28 - 1 hour - 146 MB

Sam Yarbs is a comedian based in Taipei and he travels all over Asia with his comedy act. Tonight he makes his way onto the set of Eddy.LIVE's Hot Wing Show and tells us about his plans, his new Comedy Club set to open in December and he does it all while he sweats through our gauntlet of Hot Wings! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.live.tw/ Instagram: http...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Katsuaki "BLAST" Aoyagi 青柳克明

January 20, 2020 07:13 - 1 hour - 73.4 MB

台日混血的職業格鬥選手「青柳克明」來艾迪墨西哥餐廳跟大家分享他多年打格鬥賽的想法、對未來的規劃,以及挑戰本店的超辣雞翅! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.live.tw/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddy.live.tw/

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Rainbow Alice 彩虹愛麗絲 「人比雞翅辣」! IG網紅/模特兒不簡單!

January 20, 2020 05:43 - 1 hour - 69.2 MB

IG網紅/ 模特兒 彩虹愛麗絲來啦! 網紅的生活看似光鮮亮麗,但也有辛苦的時候 這個美麗又大方的女孩,有許多相當特別的想法。 你/妳 也想知道她的故事嗎? 妳/妳 也想經營自己,成為新世代網紅嗎? 一起來認識她吧! 別忘了訂閱Eddy LIVE的頻道+分享喔! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.live.tw/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eddy.live.tw/

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Steven Liao 廖翔

January 20, 2020 05:36 - 1 hour - 141 MB

Have you ever been head kicked before? Me neither but you know the old saying, its better to head kick than to be head kicked. Steven Liao, a local Taiwanese MMA fighter knows a thing or two about head kicking his opponents. This dude can throw hands and feet, but can he finish the Gauntlet of Hot wings LIVE at Eddy's Cantina? Find out Today! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https:/...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Devon "Bam" Morris

January 20, 2020 04:39 - 1 hour - 188 MB

Devon "BAM" Morris is a Professional ONE Championship fighter, he splits his time between living in Taiwan and doing his training camps in Thailand. He is coming off a fight on October 5th and is at Eddy's Cantina to test his metal! Sure he's tough but can he take the beat the Eddy.LIVE gauntlet of wings? Will he be declared a Mex-i-can or a Mex-i-can't! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebo...

Hot Wing Show 辣雞翅挑戰秀 Karin Yu 卡林

January 20, 2020 04:05 - 1 hour - 122 MB

Meet Karin Yu! On this episode we talk about what it takes to start your journey as a professional musician and we also discuss the Live music scene in Taipei/Taiwan. Find out where Karin is playing and how you can catch her sweating while she attempts the Eddy.LIVE hot wing gauntlet! Don't forget to subscribe to Eddy.LIVE on your favorite Social Media Platform! YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/c/EddyLIVE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eddy.live.tw/ Instagram: https://www.insta...

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