Juan Pina is a true OG in the #Mariachi game!

Juan是一位相當老派的#Mariachi 藝人!

His father was a musician and he was raised by musicians in California!


Juan is a good friend of #eddylive and we wanted to celebrate Mexican Independance day by bringing on the best Mariachi on the island!

他一直都是#eddylive 的忠實觀眾同時也是我們的老朋友,為了慶祝墨西哥獨立紀念日,我們也將邀請他帶來最棒的Mariachi表演!

Tonight we will chat about #mexico #taiwan our culture and what it means to be a Mariachi in Taiwan.



Grab a chair a drink and join us live at 7pm.


Subscribe to the channel: www.eddy.live

記得訂閱我們的頻道: www.eddy.live