#ZedaZhang is a woman of firsts!

#ZedaZhang 是職業女子摔角手的先驅!

She’s the first Asian American women wrestler in the #WWE, the first Asian American wrestler to wrestle all over Asia, and the first woman to be signed in #MajorLeagueWrestling!

她是第一位與WWE簽約的亞裔女子選手,第一位稱霸亞洲的亞裔美國摔角手,更是第一位與職業摔跤聯盟 Major League Wrestling簽約的女子選手!

Truly a pioneer for Asian Americans and women everywhere!


We are lucky to have her while she is in #Taiwan to share her story with us on #eddylive.


Oh ya, and we are eating spicy wings as well!

還~有! 我們也要一起吃超辣雞翅!

Don't forget to subscribe: www.eddy.live

別忘了訂閱我們的頻道: www.eddy.live

Follow Zeda Zhang on Instagram: https://instagram.com/zeda_zhang

追蹤Zeda的IG: zeda_zhang