What do you get when you combine Gordon Ramsey and Matt Serra then you give him a French Canadian twist?

將名廚戈登拉姆齊和格鬥家Matt Serra融合起來除以二!等於今晚的來賓Francis Beavais!

You get tonights guest. Francis Beavais is a long time restaurant owner, who you may know from Le Rouge, Cubano or now his latest creation, Ruban.

他長年經營餐廳,有一些餐廳你可能有聽說過,「紅盒子LE ROUGE」、「Cubano」還有近期新開的「Ruban Bistro」。

Chef Francis is known for his delicious made from scratch dishes that are handcrafted, created and finished by our favorite Master-chef himself.

All of the cuisine is inspired by his favorite dishes back in Montreal.

主廚Francis以製作各式手工料理聞名,在餐飲界擁有大師級的手藝。他做的料理靈感來源大多來自令人懷念的家鄉-加拿大的蒙特婁( Eddy 也是加拿大人耶!)

Join us and bring your questions for the Chef while we eat hot wings and drink beer.

來加入我們的直播,有什麼問題想問主廚就儘管問吧! 讓我們一邊吃超辣雞翅一邊暢飲啤酒!

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