4 Steps To Achieving Your Goals Next Month

Are you tired of wondering why at the end of every month or every quarter you don't hit your weight loss goals or your business goals? It's not always you, its typically because you're just not planning properly. Smashing goals takes commitments, planning, and setting yourself up for success and not just throwing stuff at the wall and hoping it sticks.

In this episode Kathie uncovers 4 steps you can implement right now as a part of her "Life CEO" day to ensure you plan to accomplish everything you set out for especially as you prepare for 2020 to be your best year yet.

Here's a sneak peek at her 4 steps to crush your goals: 

1. Asking your self 3 very important questions EVERY month. What are your goals? What Are your commitments? & What do I want to feel & be proud of?

2. Organizing, scheduling, and planning to achieve everything you want to achieve. 

3. Setting the scene for success 

4. Journal about all of your goals as if they've already happen and celebrate them now!

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