Hello, This week’s minisode is a quick talk about mental health awareness and how far it goes beyond people who feel a bit down, or sad one day, to anxiety and depression to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to schizophrenia and maybe other mental health illnesses/disorders. We all to open up the conversation to everyone! References in the episode Hannah Jane Parkinson Mind Mental Health UK Samaritans Heads Together Lloyd’s mental health advert Lynx’s campaign with CALM Mental Health Mates Give this a read! Sathnam Sanghera - Why well-meaning mental health awareness campaigns should stop Get in touch! Twitter Email: [email protected]


This week’s minisode is a quick talk about mental health awareness and how far it goes beyond people who feel a bit down, or sad one day, to anxiety and depression to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to schizophrenia and maybe other mental health illnesses/disorders.

We all to open up the conversation to everyone!

References in the episode

Hannah Jane Parkinson


Mental Health UK


Heads Together

Lloyd’s mental health advert

Lynx’s campaign with CALM

Mental Health Mates

Give this a read!

Sathnam Sanghera - Why well-meaning mental health awareness campaigns should stop
Get in touch!

Email: [email protected]

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