In this episode of "Delusional Optimism," Dr. B explains the link between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance misuse. She unravels how trauma can manifest in various forms of addiction, and calls for the need to have conversations about drugs that are centered on trauma.


“People overcome addiction but it requires retraining and building a new set of neural pathways to rely on safety, stability, and security. ” - Dr. B  [24:04]


What You Will Learn:

 [00:01] Intro

 [00:32] The correlation between adverse childhood experiences and drug addiction: how does trauma lead to drug misuse?

 [09:32] A personal experience with addiction

 [21:15] Some actionable takeaways: remember that addiction is a consequence of trauma; have early conversations on drug misuse with children and friends; recognize if someone in your family misused drugs or alcohol

[27:22] Outro


Wear a mask and find your calm!




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