In this episode of "Delusional Optimism," Dr. B talks about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). She explains the extent of traumatic experiences we can encounter in our childhood, and provides insight on how to cultivate healing practices in our present lives to become resilient. 


Listen to how you can lead yourself to healing.


“We need to carefully examine our language that we use so it doesn't imply blame to the person and cause even more trauma”- Dr. B  [4:36]


What You Will Learn:

 [00:37] Intro

 [01:10] Understanding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)

 [05:38] How does weight gain manifest as a trauma response 

 [13:04] A personal story on protective weight gain 

 [18:33] The pathway to undo trauma 

 [21:53] Some actionable takeaways: change the blame game; have difficult conversations; allow yourself to become conscious of your body and your mind; always seek and advocate for support

[25:28] Outro


Wear a mask and find your calm!




Email Dr. B: [email protected]


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Book mentioned: “The Body Keeps Score” by Bessel van der Kolk


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