Episode 59 - James Boria is a functional strength and mindset coach who is from Long Island, New York. As a former collegiate athlete and baseball player, James is a major believer in pushing limits both mentally and physically to tap into the full potential that is within all of us. To prove that, on October 7th of 2022, James will be bear crawling an ultra marathon (31 miles) as a world record attempt. Through this feat, James will be raising money for the organization The Hidden Opponent and bringing awareness to athlete mental health.

Tune in to hear James discuss how this insane idea came about, how to step into the person you have always envisioned yourself being, tapping into your full potential, taking an athlete's approach to life, and why James never stops hustling.

Make sure to check out James at the link below, and if you feel called to, donate to his gofundme for the ultramarathon he will be completing in October:

IG: @jamesboria_

Website: https://jamesboria.com/

31 Mile Bear Crawl x The Hidden Opponent

Connect with Dom

Instagram: @dominicfusco

YouTube: Dominic Fusco

LinkedIn: Dominic Fusco