Episode 60 - Mark Bottenhorn is a mountain, ultra, trail and OCR athlete living in Dallas, Texas. He spends his free time being a father, husband, and mental health advocate. Mark works with dozens of endurance athletes ranging from first timers to elites on his coaching platform, Run Strong Coaching. Mark has numerous wins, course records and accolades including landing on the North American top performances list numerous years in a row.

On this episode, Mark opens up about his eating disorder, struggles with mental health, and how we can capture moments of struggle and use them to find the strongest version of ourselves. He also talks about the blue collar mindset that he takes with him wherever he goes, why we should never settle for anything less than the best we are capable of, the power of possibility, and finding our "why" and letting that guide us in life. This was a powerful and insightful conversation and I hope you can take something away from hearing about Mark's journey!

Check out Mark's Links:

IG: @bottenhornrunning

Websites: http://www.markbottenhorn.com/ & https://www.runstrongtc.com/run-strong-tc.html#/

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