Episode 58 - Krysta Huber is a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer, and group fitness instructor. Her unique coaching program, The Fitness FYX, blends nutrition, fitness, mindset, and stress management into one holistic approach. Krysta specializes in helping group-fitness lovers lose weight without tons of cardio, hours in the kitchen, or passing up on the foods they love most. Krysta hosts a weekly wellness podcast, called The FYX with Krysta Huber, where she focuses on nutrition tips, goal setting, and a healthy mindset.

Krysta is also the Base Ops Studio Lead and Marketing Coordinator at The Fort Athletic Club in Oceanport, New Jersey.

We live in a world today where there is so much information at our fingertips that it can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and overall well-being. There is constant bombardment of eat this, drink that, do this workout, try this routine, etc. that it can be overwhelming and discouraging. So, how do we know what regimen is best for us and will give us long-term sustainable results?

Listen in as Krysta and I break down the biggest reasons why people (us included) struggle with consistency on our health and wellness journeys, why you should focus on making small changes in your lifestyle before anything else, how to hit your health and fitness goals if you are a busy professional, navigating through transition periods in your life, balancing enjoying food and having a social life without letting it throw you off course, what it means to be "healthy," and much more!

Episode Resources:

Connect with Krysta on social media by following her on Instagram: @thekrystahuber, @thefyx.officialpod. Check out her podcast wherever you love to tune into your favorite shows. To learn more about The Fitness FYX Coaching program and to book a free consultation with Krysta, visit her website: www.thefitnessfyx.com

Links for above:

@thekrystahuber: www.instagram.com/thekrystahuber

@thefyx.officialpod: www.instagram.com/thefyx.officialpod

Website: www.thefitnessfyx.com

Podcast (Apple link): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fyx-with-krysta-huber/id1545290457


Follow Dom on Instagram - @dominicfusco

YouTube: Dominic Fusco

LinkedIn: Dominic Fusco